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File naming convention



scenario number.
test number.

client device:

Android smartphone (Samsung Nexus S);
Fonera 2.0;
Asus EeePC 1001-PX.

file extension:

OwlPS Aggregator output file;
experiment report;
OwlPS Positioner log file (recorded at the input);
OwlPS Positioner results;
OwlPS Positioner standard output;
OwlPS Positioner standard error;
results formatted in a spreadsheet.

If "+coord" is present in a file name before the extension, it means the real coordinates were added. For the results, after "+coord", the name of the similarity algorithm can be added (mean, interval, interval2).

Testing area

Area description

The deployment area is a room of 5.80 × 10.60 metres. The origin of the plan is set to the South-West corner of the room.

TODO colonnes techniques, radiateurs, etc.

Measurement points

To simplify the scenario explanation, the following measurement points are predefined:

  1. (5;10)
  2. (1;10)
  3. (5;1)
  4. (1;1)
  5. (2.5;5.5)
  6. (5;5)
  7. (5;2)
  8. (3;2)
  9. (3;0)
  10. (1;5)
  11. (1;3)

Common rules

Except if stated otherwise, all the scenarios follow these rules.

Devices used

  • Mobile terminal: Fonera 2.0 with OwlPS Client v1.3.0-11-gc4e0352.
  • Aggregation server: Asus EEE-PC 701 4G running Debian GNU/Linux squeeze (Linux 2.6.32), with an Atheros AR 500 Wi-Fi interface. It runs OwlPS Aggregator v1.3.1-14-ge278aab.
  • Listeners: 4 Fonera 2.0, running OwlPS Listener v1.3.0-11-gc4e0352.

Environmental parameters:

  • The temperature is controlled around 22°C.
  • The humidity varies from 38% to 55%.


The capture points are attached to the walls and all have their antennas in vertical position, in the direction of the ceiling. Their coordinates are given in the OwlPS Positioner's configuration file (/mcy/owlps-experiments/src/commit/6eb58ddbdf8c8de1a9a4c96a9a556c8f6e5a908c/v1.3.1/owlps-config/listeners-fonera.csv).

The OwlPS Listener program runs continuously, with the autocalibration activated. It is launched with the following command:

owlps-listenerd -A -v -i -I -r ath1 -w ath0


The mobile terminal continuously sends positioning requests with the following parameters:

  • 20 packets (-n20),
  • 10 ms between two packets (-t10),
  • 800 ms between two requests (-F800).

Therefore, one request is transmitted approximately each second. The destination IP address is the Aggregator's one (i.e. in our setup).

The complete command used to launch OwlPS Client is the following:

owlps-client -i -n 20 -t 10 -F 800

The mobile terminal's antenna is vertical.

Measurement-related rules

  • Three mobile terminal's altitudes are defined:

    • floor (0 m),
    • hip (0.82 m),
    • ear (1.57 m).
  • For the altitudes higher than “floor”, when the mobile terminal is not carried by a human operator, it is put on a non-metallic object. In our setup, the “hip” altitude is achieved by stacking a empty trash (32 cm) on a cardboard box (50 cm); for the “ear” altitude, we add a stack of small boxes (75 cm).
  • When a human operator carries the mobile terminal, the altitude of the terminal is 1 m (hips/belly).

Overview of the scenarios

Scenario 1

The mobile terminal is still, without human operator, at hip altitude. Measurements are taken at each corner and the centre of the room (measurement points 1 to 5), during 1 minute at each position.

Scenario 2

Repeat the scenario 1, but the mobile terminal is on the floor.

Scenario 3

This scenario tests the antenna angles and measurement direction, with a human operator. The measurement points 2 and 5 are tested.

Les mesures devront être prises dans deux directions : l'une en face du mur opposé et l'autre situé 45 degrés par rapport à la position précédente. Le client sera tenu par un opérateur humain et il sera testé dans trois orientations d'antenne différentes : horizontale, inclinée, verticale. Le programme devra être exécute une minute pour chaque position et orientation ce qui nous donne une durée total de 12 min.

Il y a 6 mesures par point. Premier points de mesure on regarde en face de la borne TBF04 on commence par la position verticale puis inclinée et enfin horizontale. Ensuite on bouge à 45 degrée (environ au niveau de la cloison) et on refait la même inclinaison. Point de mesure 2 on commence à regarder en direction de la TBF09 même inclinaison et ensuite on fait les mêmes mesures 45 degrés après (c.à.d au milieu du mur adjacent la TBF04 etTBF09).

Scenario 4

Test with a human operator carrying the mobile terminal. The operator moves along a path following the measurement points 1 to 5, and stand at each point for 10 seconds. The pace of the operator is 1 m/s (one second per step, with one-metre steps).


stand at MP#1 in the direction of MP#2, start the aggregation server (with autocalibration activated).
start the client, stay at MP#1 until t10.
start walking to MP#2 (4 m distance).
arrived at MP#2, start rotating in the direction of MP#3.
rotation achieved, stay at MP#2 until t25.
start walking to MP#3 (about 9.85 m distance, so the walk pace is around 1.1 m/s to achieve MP#3 in 9 seconds).
arrived at MP#3, start rotating in the direction of MP#4.
rotation achieved, stay at MP#3 until t45.
start walking to MP#4 (4 m distance).
arrived at MP#4, start rotating in the direction of MP#5.
rotation achieved, stay at MP#4 until t60.
start walking to MP#5 (about 4.74 m distance, so the walk pace is around 1.2 m/s to achieve MP#5 in 4 seconds).
arrived at MP#5, start rotating to the right (in the direction of the mobile wall).
rotation achieved, stay at MP#5 until t75.
stop the client.

Scenario 5

Lancer une autocalibration sur le serveur d'agrégation pendant 10 secondes puis relancer le serveur sans autocalibration et faire des mesures de une minute avec comme fréquence d'émission de paquets : 1, 5, 10, 20, 40, 500 ms. Le terminal est posé sur le sol, aux coordonnées centrales (2.5;5.5;0).

Scenario 6

Utilisation de nouveau points de mesures (voir schéma experience 6). Pour chaque point de mesures trois hauteurs différentes à tester : sol, hanche, oreille. Une cloison sera tiré jusqu'au centre de la pièce et aucun opérateur humain dans la pièce. Le programme est lancé une minute sur chaque point de mesure et par position.

Les mesures sont effectuées dans l'ordre :

  1. floor,
  2. hip,
  3. ear.

Scenario 7

Repeat the scenario 6, but with a human operator standing 0.5 m at the West of the terminal. Only the hip altitude is studied.

Scenario 8

Repeat the scenario 7, but the human operator is always standing at the measurement point 11.

Scenario 9

Lancer le serveur d'agrégation avec une autocalibration pendant dix secondes puis le relancer sans autocalibration et prendre des mesures pendant une minute avec différentes tailles de paquets : 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1450. Le terminal est posé sur le sol, aux coordonnées centrales (2.5;5.5;0).

Scenario 10

Refaire le scenario 1 en faisant varier cette fois-ci la fréquence d'autocalibration comme suit : 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ms. Tous les points du scenario 1 sont mesurés.

Scenario 11

Repeat the scenario 4 several time with different autocalibration frequencies on the Aggregator. The autocalibration requests' settings (number of packets and delay between two packets) will be adjusted on the Listeners, so that a request emission lasts for around 20-25 ms less than the autocalibration frequency.

The following parameters are tested:

  • 100 ms (Listeners: -n10 -t8 = 80 ms),
  • 250 ms (Liseners: -n16 -t14 = 224 ms),
  • 500 ms (Listeners: -n20 -t24 = 480 ms),
  • 1000 ms (Listeners: -n39 -t25 = 975 ms).

TODO coord

Scenario 12

Prendre les points de mesure numéro 3, 4 et 5 du scenario numéro 1 (voir schémas) et faire des mesures avec une orientation des antennes des AP différentes. Premierement antenne disposé horizontalement en direction du mur opposé. Deuxiemenent antenne toujours horizontale mais disposé de façon à ce que chaque antenne pointe en direction d'un autre AP.

Scenario 13

This scenario aims to evaluate the impact of the temperature. The terminal is on the floor, at the measurement point 1. The temperature starts from a maximum, and lowers to a minimum during the experiment.

TODO Scenario 14

Repeat the scenario 13, but evaluate the impact of the humidity.

Scenario 15

Repeat the scenario 1, but without client. The terminal is instead replaced by a human operator. This scenario aims to evaluate the influence of the human body on the autocalibration requests.

Scenario 16

This scenario follows the same principles as the scenario 15, but this time the scenario 4 is played instead of the scenario 1.

Scenario 17

Repeat the scenario 16 (scenario 4 without mobile terminal), but with two human operators, each starting from two opposite corners of the room (measurement points 1 and 4). They move along the following measurement points:

  • Operator 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (same as scenario 16).
  • Operator 2: 4, 3, 2, 1, 5.

Scenario 18

The autocalibration is performed for 5 minutes, without mobile terminal and without human operator.

TODO Scenario 19

Repeat the scenario 17, but one of the operators carries the mobile terminal.