
38 lines
721 B

! { dg-do run }
! PR 40882: [F03] infinite recursion in gfc_get_derived_type with PPC returning derived type.
! At the same time, check that a formal argument does not cause infinite recursion (PR 40870).
! Contributed by Janus Weil <janus@gcc.gnu.org>
implicit none
type :: t
integer :: data
procedure(foo), pointer, nopass :: ppc
procedure(type(t)), pointer, nopass :: ppc2
end type
type(t) :: o,o2
o%data = 1
o%ppc => foo
o2 = o%ppc(o)
if (o%data /= 1) call abort()
if (o2%data /= 5) call abort()
if (.not. associated(o%ppc)) call abort()
if (associated(o2%ppc)) call abort()
function foo(arg)
type(t) :: foo, arg
foo%data = arg%data * 5
foo%ppc => NULL()
end function