
31 lines
1023 B

! { dg-do run }
! Verify that when decimal precision is zero, error error given except with 1P.
! Submitted by Jerry DeLisle <jvdelisle@gcc.gnu.org>
! Modified for fix to PR35036
program test
implicit none
character(20) :: astr
integer :: istat
50 FORMAT (1PD20.0)
astr = ""
write(astr,50) -8.0D0
if (astr.ne." -8.D+00") call abort
write(astr,50) 8.0D0
if (astr.ne." 8.D+00") call abort
write(astr, '(E15.0)', iostat=istat) 1e5
if (istat /= 5006) call abort
write(astr, '(D15.0)', iostat=istat) 1e5
if (istat /= 5006) call abort
write(astr, '(G15.0)', iostat=istat) 1e5
if (istat /= 5006) call abort
write(astr, '(2PE15.0)', iostat=istat) 1e5
if (istat /= 5006) call abort
write(astr, '(0PE15.0)', iostat=istat) 1e5
if (istat /= 5006) call abort
write(astr, '(1PE15.0)', iostat=istat) 1e5
if (istat /= 0) call abort
write(astr, '(F15.0)', iostat=istat) 1e5
if (astr.ne." 100000.") call abort
if (istat /= 0) call abort
end program test