
176 lines
4.3 KiB

! { dg-do compile }
! { dg-options "-fmax-errors=1000 -fcoarray=single" }
! PR fortran/18918
! Coarray expressions.
program test
implicit none
type t3
integer, allocatable :: a
end type t3
type t4
type(t3) :: xt3
end type t4
type t
integer, pointer :: ptr
integer, allocatable :: alloc(:)
end type t
type(t), target :: i[*]
type(t), allocatable :: ca[:]
type(t4), target :: tt4[*]
type(t4), allocatable :: ca2[:]
integer, volatile :: volat[*]
integer, asynchronous :: async[*]
integer :: caf1[1,*], caf2[*]
call foo(i%ptr)
call foo(i[1]%ptr) ! { dg-error "Coindexed actual argument at .1. to pointer dummy" }
call bar(i%ptr)
call bar(i[1]%ptr) ! OK, value of ptr target
call bar(i[1]%alloc(1)) ! OK
call typeDummy(i) ! OK
call typeDummy(i[1]) ! { dg-error "with ultimate pointer component" }
call typeDummy2(ca) ! OK
call typeDummy2(ca[1]) ! { dg-error "with ultimate pointer component" }
call typeDummy3(tt4%xt3) ! OK
call typeDummy3(tt4[1]%xt3) ! { dg-error "requires either VALUE or INTENT.IN." }
call typeDummy4(ca2) ! OK
call typeDummy4(ca2[1]) ! { dg-error "requires INTENT.IN." }
! Note: Checking an VOLATILE dummy is not possible as volatile + intent(in)
! is not possible
call asyn(volat)
call asyn(async)
call asyn(volat[1]) ! { dg-error "Coindexed ASYNCHRONOUS or VOLATILE actual argument" }
call asyn(async[1]) ! { dg-error "Coindexed ASYNCHRONOUS or VOLATILE actual argument" }
call coarray(caf1) ! rank mismatch; OK, for non allocatable coarrays
call coarray(caf2)
call coarray(caf2[1]) ! { dg-error "must be a coarray" }
call ups(i)
call ups(i[1]) ! { dg-error "with ultimate pointer component" }
call ups(i%ptr)
call ups(i[1]%ptr) ! OK - passes target not pointer
subroutine asyn(a)
integer, intent(in), asynchronous :: a
end subroutine asyn
subroutine bar(a)
integer :: a
end subroutine bar
subroutine foo(a)
integer, pointer :: a
end subroutine foo
subroutine coarray(a)
integer :: a[*]
end subroutine coarray
subroutine typeDummy(a)
type(t) :: a
end subroutine typeDummy
subroutine typeDummy2(a)
type(t),allocatable :: a
end subroutine typeDummy2
subroutine typeDummy3(a)
type(t3) :: a
end subroutine typeDummy3
subroutine typeDummy4(a)
type(t4), allocatable :: a
end subroutine typeDummy4
end program test
subroutine alloc()
type t
integer, allocatable :: a(:)
end type t
type(t), save :: a[*]
type(t), allocatable :: b(:)[:], C[:]
allocate(b(1)) ! { dg-error "Coarray specification" }
allocate(a[3]%a(5)) ! { dg-error "Coindexed allocatable" }
allocate(c[*]) ! { dg-error "Sorry" }
allocate(a%a(5)) ! OK
end subroutine alloc
subroutine dataPtr()
integer, save, target :: a[*]
data a/5/ ! OK
data a[1]/5/ ! { dg-error "cannot have a coindex" }
type t
integer, pointer :: p
end type t
type(t), save :: x[*]
type t2
integer :: a(1)
end type t2
type(t2) y
data y%a/4/
x[1]%p => a ! { dg-error "shall not have a coindex" }
x%p => a[1] ! { dg-error "shall not have a coindex" }
end subroutine dataPtr
subroutine test3()
implicit none
type t
integer :: a(1)
end type t
type(t), save :: x[*]
data x%a/4/
integer, save :: y(1)[*] !(1)
call sub(x(1:1)[1]) ! { dg-error "Rank mismatch" }
subroutine sub(a) ! { dg-error "shall not have codimensions with deferred shape" }
integer :: a(:)[:]
end subroutine sub
end subroutine test3
subroutine test4()
integer, save :: i[*]
integer :: j
call foo(i)
call foo(j) ! { dg-error "must be a coarray" }
subroutine foo(a)
integer :: a[*]
end subroutine foo
end subroutine test4
subroutine allocateTest()
implicit none
real, allocatable, codimension[:,:] :: a,b,c
integer :: n, q
n = 1
q = 1
allocate(a[q,*]) ! { dg-error "Sorry" }
allocate(b[q,*]) ! { dg-error "Sorry" }
allocate(c[q,*]) ! { dg-error "Sorry" }
end subroutine allocateTest
subroutine testAlloc4()
implicit none
type co_double_3
double precision, allocatable :: array(:)
end type co_double_3
type(co_double_3),save, codimension[*] :: work
print *, size(work%array)
end subroutine testAlloc4
subroutine test5()
implicit none
integer, save :: i[*]
print *, i[*] ! { dg-error "Coindex of codimension 1 must be a scalar" }
end subroutine test5