
27 lines
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! { dg-do run }
! PR43265: See comment #26 in the PR. Before patch,
! the test case would fail to read the last line of the file.
! Thanks to Jean-Baptiste Faure for providing the initial test case.
program test
character (len=6) :: line
integer :: n, k=0
open(unit=25,file="test.dat",status="replace", &
& form="unformatted", access="stream")
write(25) "Line 1" // char(10)
write(25) "Line 2" // char(10)
write(25) "Line 3" // char(10)
write(25) "Line 4" // char(10)
write(25) "Line 5" ! No EOR marker on the last line.
close(25, status="keep")
open(25, file="test.dat", status="old")
do n=1,10
read(25,'(a)',end=100,err=101) line
k = k+1
call abort
100 if (k /= 5) call abort
101 call abort
end program test