
646 lines
16 KiB

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#define _POSIX_SOURCE 1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
/* Non standards includes */
#include <commtech.h>
#include <specific_comm.h>
/* Must be a multiple of BUF_SIZE */
#define MAX_BLOCK_ENTRIES (2048 * CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(void *))
/*#define MAX_BLOCK_ENTRIES ((BUF_SIZE * 4 + page_size) & ~(page_size - 1)) // Big buffer size is not a good idea */
#define toString(x) doStringification(x)
#define doStringification(x) #x
#define MIN(x,y) ((x < y) ? x : y)
#define WORDS_PER_LINE (CACHE_LINE_SIZE / sizeof(uintptr_t))
#define SOURCE 0 /* Initial producer (calling do_calc()) */
#define INTERM 1
#define SINK 2 /* Final consumer (doing the check) */
typedef struct node_param
void *prev_comm_channel; /* Channel with previous node */
void *next_comm_channel; /* Channel with next mode */
int type; /* SOURCE, INTERM or SINK */
int thread_idx;
} node_param_t;
typedef int inc_check_t;
static long nb_bufs_sent = 0;
long nb_prod = 0;
static int (*init_calc)(int) = NULL;
static void **(*do_calc)(void) = NULL;
static int (*end_calc)(void) = NULL;
static int shared = 0; /* We are not shared by default */
static long init_calc_arg = 0;
static int block_reception = 1;
static long nb_nodes = 2; /* Nb of nodes in the chain of pipelines */
static int check_recv_match_send = 0;
static uintptr_t single_prod_check_val; /* /!\ Only one real producer */
static inc_check_t *single_prod_check_ctxt; /* /!\ Only one real producer */
static int nb_cpus = 4; /* TOFIX: don't hardcode this */
static int page_size = 0;
static void usage(char *argv[])
char format[] = "-n <num_buf> -p <num_prod> [options]";
char options[] = "Required options:\n"
"-n nb_buffer_sent\t\tNumber of buffer to send to another core\n"
"\t\t\t\tBuffer size is " toString(BUF_SIZE) " bytes\n"
"Facultative options:\n"
"-b\t\t\t\tReceive the biggest amount of data available (The default)\n"
"-c calculation_libname arg\tLibrary to use for calculation with its argument\n"
"\t\t\t\tThis library must implement functions in calc.h\n"
"\t\t\t\t(default to none)\n"
"-k\t\t\t\tCheck we receive what is sent\n"
"-l nb_nodes\t\t\tNumber of nodes in the pipeline chain\n"
"-d\t\t\t\tReceive one piece of data\n"
"-h\t\t\t\tPrint this help\n"
"-s\t\t\t\tShare the same L2 cache or not\n"
"\t\t\t\tIf level is:\n"
"\t\t\t\t\t> 0, then the same L<level> must be shared\n"
"\t\t\t\t\t< 0, then different L<level> must be used\n"
"\t\t\t\t\t= 0, then no constraint is given, only main memory (RAM) is guaranteed to be shared\n";
printf("Usage : %s %s\n", argv[0], format);
printf("Options :\n");
printf("%s\n", options);
static int do_noinit(int unused __attribute__ ((unused)))
return 0;
static void **do_nocalc(void)
static int an_int, *an_int_ptr = &an_int;
return (void **) &an_int_ptr;
static int do_noend(void)
return 0;
static int inc_check_init(int init_value, inc_check_t **context)
inc_check_t *ctxt;
ctxt = malloc(sizeof(*ctxt));
if (ctxt == NULL)
return -1;
*ctxt = init_value;
*context = ctxt;
return 0;
static int inc_check_next(inc_check_t *context, uintptr_t *next_value)
*next_value = (*context)++;
return 0;
static int inc_check_end(inc_check_t *context)
return 0;
static int do_checkinit(int init_value)
return inc_check_init(init_value, &single_prod_check_ctxt);
static void **do_checkcalc(void)
int ret;
ret = inc_check_next(single_prod_check_ctxt, &single_prod_check_val);
if (ret)
return NULL;
return (void **) single_prod_check_val;
static int do_checkend(void)
return inc_check_end(single_prod_check_ctxt);
static int analyse_options(int argc, char *argv[])
int opt;
opterr = 0;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, ":bc:dhl:kn:s"/*:p:"*/)) != -1)
switch (opt)
case 'b' :
block_reception = 1;
case 'c' :
struct stat file_stat;
void *dl_descriptor;
if (stat(optarg, &file_stat))
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", optarg, strerror(errno));
return -1;
dl_descriptor = dlopen(optarg, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
if (dl_descriptor == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "dlopen error: %s\n", dlerror());
return -1;
init_calc = (int (*)(int)) dlsym(dl_descriptor, "init_calc");
do_calc = (void ** (*)(void)) dlsym(dl_descriptor, "do_calc");
end_calc = (int (*)(void)) dlsym(dl_descriptor, "end_calc");
if ((init_calc == NULL) || (do_calc == NULL) || (end_calc == NULL))
fprintf(stderr, "A symbol cannot be loaded: %s\n", dlerror());
return -1;
if ((optind == argc) || (*argv[optind] == '-'))
fprintf(stderr, "Missing argument for -c option\n");
return -1;
char *inval;
init_calc_arg = strtol(argv[optind], &inval, 10);
if ((*argv[optind] == '\0') || (*inval != '\0'))
fprintf(stderr, "Option '-c' needs also an integer argument\n");
return -1;
if ((init_calc_arg <= 0) || ((init_calc_arg == LONG_MAX) && errno == ERANGE))
fprintf(stderr, "Number of useless loop to be done between 2 send must be"
" between 1 and %ld, both inclusive\n", LONG_MAX);
return -1;
case 'd' :
block_reception = 0;
case 'h' :
case 'k' :
check_recv_match_send = 1;
case 'l' :
char *inval;
nb_nodes = strtol(optarg, &inval, 10);
if ((*optarg == '\0') || (*inval != '\0'))
fprintf(stderr, "Option '-l' needs an integer argument\n");
return -1;
if ((nb_nodes < 2) || ((nb_nodes == LONG_MAX) && errno == ERANGE))
fprintf(stderr, "Number of links to participate in the pipeline chain must be between 2 and %ld, both inclusive\n", LONG_MAX);
return -1;
case 'n' :
char *inval;
nb_bufs_sent = strtol(optarg, &inval, 10);
if ((*optarg == '\0') || (*inval != '\0'))
fprintf(stderr, "Option '-n' needs an integer argument\n");
return -1;
if ((nb_bufs_sent <= 0) || ((nb_bufs_sent == LONG_MAX) && errno == ERANGE))
fprintf(stderr, "Number of cache lines to be sent must be between 1 and %ld, both inclusive\n", LONG_MAX);
return -1;
#if 0
case 'p' :
char *inval;
nb_prod = strtol(optarg, &inval, 10);
if ((*optarg == '\0') || (*inval != '\0'))
fprintf(stderr, "Option '-p' needs an integer argument\n");
return -1;
if ((nb_prod <= 0) || ((nb_prod == LONG_MAX) && errno == ERANGE))
fprintf(stderr, "Number of producers must be between 1 and %ld, both inclusive\n", LONG_MAX);
return -1;
case 's' :
shared = 1;
case '?' :
fprintf(stderr, "Option inconnue\n");
return -1;
case ':' :
fprintf(stderr, "Option %s needs an argument\n", argv[optind]);
return -1;
default :
fprintf(stderr, "Error while analysing command line options\n");
return -1;
if (!nb_bufs_sent)
fprintf(stderr, "You must give the number of cache lines to be sent\n");
return -1;
#if 0
if (!nb_prod)
fprintf(stderr, "You must give the number of producers\n");
return -1;
if (shared && (nb_prod > 1))
fprintf(stderr, "Too many producers to fit with the consumer in processors which share a same cache\n");
return -1;
if (check_recv_match_send && do_calc)
fprintf(stderr, "Can't specifying a computation library with check activated\n");
return -1;
if (do_calc == NULL)
if (check_recv_match_send)
init_calc = do_checkinit;
do_calc = do_checkcalc;
end_calc = do_checkend;
init_calc = do_noinit;
do_calc = do_nocalc;
end_calc = do_noend;
printf("buf size: %lu\n", WORDS_PER_LINE);
return 0;
static int initial_producer(node_param_t *node_param)
unsigned int i, j;
if (init_calc(init_calc_arg))
fprintf(stderr, "Initialization of calculation has failed\n");
return 1;
for(i = 0; i < nb_bufs_sent; i++) {
for(j = 0; j < WORDS_PER_LINE; j++)
send(node_param->next_comm_channel, do_calc());
if (end_producer(node_param->next_comm_channel))
fprintf(stderr, "Notification of end of production to the "
"communication algorithm failed\n");
return 1;
if (end_calc())
fprintf(stderr, "uninitialization of calculation has failed\n");
return 1;
printf("[%p] Producer finished !\n", (void*) pthread_self());
return 0;
static void on_message(void *val __attribute__ ((unused)))
/*printf("Receive value: %p\n", (void *) val);*/
static int consumer_block(node_param_t *node_param)
int delayed_error;
unsigned long long total_data_received = 0, total_to_receive;
uintptr_t cons_check_value;
inc_check_t *cons_check_context;
void *data_buf[MAX_BLOCK_ENTRIES];
cons_check_context = NULL;
delayed_error = 0;
if (check_recv_match_send)
if (inc_check_init(init_calc_arg, &cons_check_context))
fprintf(stderr, "Initialization of check has failed\n");
return -1;
cons_check_value = init_calc_arg;
total_to_receive = nb_bufs_sent * WORDS_PER_LINE;
while (total_data_received < total_to_receive)
int i;
ssize_t nb_data_received;
size_t to_receive;
to_receive = MIN(MAX_BLOCK_ENTRIES, total_to_receive - total_data_received);
nb_data_received = recv_some_data(node_param->prev_comm_channel,
data_buf, to_receive);
total_data_received += nb_data_received;
for (i = 0; i < nb_data_received; i++)
if (unlikely(check_recv_match_send))
if (inc_check_next(cons_check_context, &cons_check_value))
if (!delayed_error)
fprintf(stderr, "Error while checking received value match sent value\n");
delayed_error = 1;
if (cons_check_value != (uintptr_t) data_buf[i])
if (!delayed_error)
fprintf(stderr, "Mismatch between expected(%lu) and received values(%lu)\n", cons_check_value, (uintptr_t) data_buf[i]);
delayed_error = 1;
if (likely(node_param->type == INTERM))
send(node_param->next_comm_channel, data_buf[i]);
/*printf("[%p] Just received %d word-sized data%s\n", (void *) pthread_self(), nb_data_received, nb_data_received ? "s" : "");*/
if (unlikely(!!(node_param->type & SINK)))
printf("[%p] Consumer finished !\n", (void*) pthread_self());
else if (likely(!!(node_param->type & INTERM)))
printf("[%p] Intermediate producer finished !\n", (void*) pthread_self());
if (delayed_error)
return -1;
return 0;
static int consumer_data(node_param_t *node_param)
unsigned int i, j;
int delayed_error;
uintptr_t cons_check_value;
inc_check_t *cons_check_context;
cons_check_context = NULL;
delayed_error = 0;
if (check_recv_match_send)
if (inc_check_init(init_calc_arg, &cons_check_context))
fprintf(stderr, "Initialization of check has failed\n");
return -1; /* &page_size can't be NULL */
cons_check_value = init_calc_arg;
for(i = 0; i < nb_bufs_sent; i++)
for(j = 0; j < WORDS_PER_LINE; j++)
void *data;
data = recv_one_data(node_param->prev_comm_channel);
if (unlikely(check_recv_match_send))
if (inc_check_next(cons_check_context, &cons_check_value))
if (!delayed_error)
fprintf(stderr, "Error while checking received value match sent value\n");
delayed_error = 1;
if (cons_check_value != (uintptr_t) data)
if (!delayed_error)
fprintf(stderr, "Mismatch between expected(%lu) and received values(%lu)\n", cons_check_value, (uintptr_t) data);
delayed_error = 1;
if (likely(node_param->type == INTERM))
send(node_param->next_comm_channel, data);
/*printf("[%p] Just received %d word-sized data%s\n", (void *) pthread_self(), WORDS_PER_LINE, WORDS_PER_LINE ? "s" : "");*/
if (unlikely(!!(node_param->type & SINK)))
printf("[%p] Consumer finished !\n", (void*) pthread_self());
else if (likely(!!(node_param->type & INTERM)))
printf("[%p] Intermediate producer finished !\n", (void*) pthread_self());
if (delayed_error)
return -1;
return 0;
static int set_cpu_binding(int thread_idx)
int cpu_binding;
pthread_t tid;
cpu_set_t cpuset;
/* Should work in most cases */
if (shared)
cpu_binding = thread_idx % nb_cpus;
cpu_binding = (2 * thread_idx) % nb_cpus;
tid = pthread_self();
CPU_SET(cpu_binding, &cpuset);
if (pthread_setaffinity_np(tid, sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset))
return -1;
return 0;
static void *node(node_param_t *node_param)
int return_value;
if (set_cpu_binding(node_param->thread_idx))
return &page_size;
switch (node_param->type)
case SOURCE:
return_value = initial_producer(node_param);
case INTERM:
if (block_reception)
return_value = consumer_block(node_param);
return_value = consumer_data(node_param);
case SINK:
if (block_reception)
return_value = consumer_block(node_param);
return_value = consumer_data(node_param);
return &page_size; /* &page_size can't be NULL */
if (return_value)
return &page_size; /* &page_size can't be NULL */
return NULL;
static int set_node_params(node_param_t *node_param,
node_param_t *prev_node_param, int thread_idx)
if (thread_idx == nb_nodes - 1)
node_param->type = SINK;
if (thread_idx)
node_param->type = INTERM;
node_param->type = SOURCE;
node_param->next_comm_channel = create_comm_channel();
if (node_param->next_comm_channel == NULL)
return -1;
if (prev_node_param != NULL)
node_param->prev_comm_channel =
node_param->thread_idx = thread_idx;
return 0;
static int create_threads(int nb_nodes, int *last_node, pthread_t *node_tids,
node_param_t *node_params)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nb_nodes; i++)
node_param_t *prev_node_param;
prev_node_param = (i) ? &node_params[i - 1] : NULL;
if (set_node_params(&node_params[i], prev_node_param, i))
*last_node = i - 1;
return -1;
if (pthread_create(&node_tids[i], NULL,
(void *(*)(void *)) node, &node_params[i]))
perror("pthread_create node");
*last_node = i - 1;
return -1;
*last_node = i - 1;
return 0;
static int join_threads(int last_node, pthread_t *tids)
int i, return_value;
void *pthread_return_value;
for (i = last_node, return_value = 0; i >= 0; i--)
pthread_join(tids[i], &pthread_return_value);
if (pthread_return_value != NULL)
return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;
return return_value;
static int destroy_threads(int last_node, node_param_t *node_params)
int i, return_value;
for (i = last_node, return_value = 0; i >= 0; i--)
if (node_params[i].type != SINK)
if (destroy_comm_channel(node_params[i].next_comm_channel))
return_value = -1;
return return_value;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int return_value, last_node;
pthread_t *tids;
node_param_t *node_params;
return_value = EXIT_SUCCESS;
if (analyse_options(argc, argv))
page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
if (page_size <= 0)
node_params = malloc(nb_nodes * sizeof(node_param_t));
if (node_params == NULL)
tids = malloc(nb_nodes * sizeof(pthread_t));
if (tids == NULL)
return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;
goto error_alloc_tids;
if (create_threads(nb_nodes, &last_node, tids, node_params))
goto error_create_channels;
if (join_threads(last_node, tids))
return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;
if (destroy_threads(last_node, node_params))
return_value = EXIT_FAILURE;
return return_value;