The cluster utilities are script allowing to work in parallel with a number of remote hosts, using utilities such as Parallel SSH (pssh) or fping. They all take as first and mandatory positional argument a host list name “NAME”; the list will be searched according to the following pattern: ``` $HOME/.config/cluster/NAME.lst For example, one can call the script typing: ``` cluster-ping my_hosts to use the hosts' file $HOME/.config/cluster/my_hosts.lst The format of such a .lst file is one line per host name or IP address, for example: ``` priam ``` The scrits based on SSH use the local user's login name as remote login; this can be changed using the ``-l`` option, that must appear before the hosts' list on the command line, for example: ``` cluster-run -l root openwrt_machines opkg install screen The provided scripts are detailed in the sequel. = = Test the connectivity with the hosts of the list by sending them a ICMP echo packet. Dependency: fping = = Open a GNU Screen tab with an interactive SSH session for each host of the hosts' list. Must be run inside of an existing Screen. Dependencies: screen, ssh = = Run the same command on every host of the hosts' list. Dependency: parallel-ssh (pssh) = = Deploy one or more files in parallel on every host of the hosts' list. Dependency: parallel-scp (pscp)