#!/bin/sh # # lz, Copyright © 2010 Matteo Cypriani # # This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to # the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want # To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See # http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. # # This script emulates and extends commands lz and uz from the mtools. # It handles: .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz, .tar.lzma and .tar.Z, # through the standards options of GNU tar. # If the script name is "lz", the archive content is displayed. If the # name is "uz", it is extracted. # Note that you need GNU Tar, at least version 1.20 to support LZMA, # and 1.22 to support XZ. ## Verify program name ## PROGRAM="`basename $0`" if [ "$PROGRAM" = "lz" ] ; then ACTION="t" elif [ "$PROGRAM" = "uz" ] ; then ACTION="x" else echo '$0 = "'"$0"' (not "lz" nor "uz")!' >&2 exit 1 fi ## Verify number of arguments ## if [ $# -lt 1 ] ; then echo "$PROGRAM requires at least one argument!" >&2 exit 2 fi ## Process files ## for F in "$@" ; do if [ "$ACTION" = "t" ] ; then echo "*** Listing « $F » ***" >&2 else echo "Extracting « $F »…" fi # Simple Tar archive if [ "`basename "$F" .tar`" != "$F" ] ; then FORMAT="" # GZipped Tar elif [ "`basename "$F" .tar.gz`" != "$F" \ -o "`basename "$F" .tgz`" != "$F" ] ; then FORMAT="--gzip" # BZipped Tar elif [ "`basename "$F" .tar.bz2`" != "$F" \ -o "`basename "$F" .tbz`" != "$F" \ -o "`basename "$F" .tb2`" != "$F" ] ; then FORMAT="--bzip" # XZipped Tar elif [ "`basename "$F" .tar.xz`" != "$F" \ -o "`basename "$F" .txz`" != "$F" ] ; then FORMAT="--xz" # Compressed Tar elif [ "`basename "$F" .tar.Z`" != "$F" \ -o "`basename "$F" .taz`" != "$F" ] ; then FORMAT="--compress" # LZMA compressed Tar elif [ "`basename "$F" .tar.lzma`" != "$F" \ -o "`basename "$F" .tlz`" != "$F" ] ; then FORMAT="--lzma" # Unknown extension else echo "Extension of file « $F » unknown! (skipping)" >&2 continue fi tar "$FORMAT" -"$ACTION"f "$F" done