========= `` is a quick and dirty script that watches a file and calls `make` whenever a change is detected. This is useful to automatically compile a LaTeX document when saved, but can actually be used in any case where you have to call `make` regularly. To detect a change, a MD5 sum of the file is computed. This script works well (at least) on GNU/Linux and FreeBSD. Limitations : - Handles only a single file. - The delay between two checks is not configurable. ================= `` converts all HTML (`.html` and `.htm`) files in the current directory into text files (.txt). For each HTML file, it verifies that the text file does not exists, or is older than the corresponding HTML file; if the text file is more recent, nothing is done. To use this script, you will have to install the program `html2text`. The option `-nobs` is used to avoid output of formatting sequences (bold, italic, etc.).