Matteo Cypriani 8e6883cfc9 [Positioning] Add class CSVFileReader
CSVFileReader is a specialisation of TextFileReader, that allow reading
a CSV line field by field.

- Make private attributes protected to allow derivation.
- Add attribute current_line_nb.
- Add function read_nonblank_line().
- Delete useless accessor get_name().

Update InputCSV to use CSVFileReader.

Adapt unit tests for InputCSV and InputLogCSV: EOF is not reached right
after reading the last line, but after trying (and failing) to read one
more line.
2011-03-16 14:36:22 +01:00

66 lines
1021 B

#include "inputmedium.hh"
#include "csvfilereader.hh"
#include <string>
/// Reads \link Request requests \endlink from a CSV file
* CSV format is:
* Mobile_MAC;Timestamp;X;Y;Z;Direction;AP_MAC_1;SS_1;…;AP_MAC_n;SS_n
class InputCSV: public InputMedium
CSVFileReader file ;
InputCSV(const std::string &filename):
file(filename) {}
~InputCSV(void) {}
/** @name Read accessors */
/// Checks if the end of the CSV file has been reached
bool eof(void) const ;
/** @name Operations */
/// Reads the next request
const Request& get_next_request(void) ;
/** @name Operators */
operator bool(void) const ;
} ;
/* *** Read accessors *** */
inline bool InputCSV::eof() const
return file.eof() ;
/* *** Operators *** */
inline InputCSV::operator bool() const
return ! eof() ;