* Global - Known bugs ° Valgrind / libconfuse bugs (Listener & Aggregator): . http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=639074 . http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=639115 - Check the size of the received packets to avoid buffer overflows. - Use select(2) or poll(2) Using polling for sockets would avoid setting up some threads, especially the autocalibration threads in the Listener, i.e. autocalibrate() and autocalibrate_hello(), and listen_for_aps() in the Aggregator. See also select_tut(2). - Option -V should tell if DEBUG is enabled or not. - Eliminate remaining exit() calls to avoid memory leaks on exit. - Use atexit() / on_exit() instead of goto to clean at exit? - Add option dump-configuration (displays the config & exits). - Makefiles: ° Use intall instead of cp? ° Merge Makefile and Makefile_atheros*. Use template makefiles, autohell, cmake…? - Support string-based positioning requests Along with the binary requests, implement a string-based request format. Each packet will contain a CSV string describing the request's information. This will make easier to develop clients in other languages than C and over other protocols than UDP. - Mark arguments as const in function headers if needed Mostly done in the Positioner C++ code (which should be checked though), but not constantly in C modules. [Done in libowlps & libowlps-client.] - Allow to use hostnames instead of IP addresses in all modules getaddrinfo(3) (or gethostbyname(3)) should be used when opening sockets in libowlps, then string buffer size have to be adapted in all modules to be able to contain a long hostname. - Use struct ether_addr to store MAC addresses? We could use the struct ether_addr to store binary MAC addresses, and convert them to strings with ether_ntoa() instead of owl_mac_bytes_to_string(). See ether_aton(3). * libowlps - Use stdbool.h instead of #define owl_bool. - Currently unused functions: ° owl_timestamp_is_null() * Aggregator - -o should be optional. - Add an option to (not) flush the output file. - Refactoring: ° monitor_requests() ° got_request() - Use the type of a request to identify it? (along with the mobile MAC address and the request time) - got_request(): option for the maximal difference time For implicit packets, we consider that packets from the same MAC and received within an interval of 10ms are part of the same request. We should define an option to allow user to choose the time he wants. * Listener - Known bugs: ° On OpenWrt Backfire (10.03), when the program is statically linked, using both -D and -A at the same time makes the program to block on the first thread. This is a known issue of uClibc: https://dev.openwrt.org/ticket/4809 - Better handling of retried packets Currently we ignore any packet with the Retry bit. This can lead to completely ignore the given packet (or even request) if the original packet is never received, which can happen under certain circumstances. - Refactor and review read_packet(). - Handle better the configuration file reading Get rid of the "Cannot open configuration file" error, in quiet mode and when the default configuration file has to be used (no file specified by the user with -f). - Filter the number of implicit packets per mobile? Currently, in passive or mixed mode, *all* the received packets are transmitted to the aggregator. - Option "read-only autocalibration"? Listen for autocalibration requests without sending requests. - read_packet(): use ieee80211_header_size for all implicit packets Currently the size is corrected only for data packets. - BSD port http://www.unixgarden.com/index.php/programmation/introduction-a-la-programmation-wifi-en-c-sous-netbsd - Use the "official" radiotap parser? (Expat license) http://git.sipsolutions.net/?p=radiotap.git * Client - Add verbose & quiet options. - Log sent requests? - Allow to use a string for the direction? Could be nice, but probably useless. * UDP to HTTP - Command-line options (port numbers, -v/-q, -h, -V). - Delete inactive clients after a given amount of time. - Refactor prepare_answer(). * Positioner - Known bugs ° Cannot compute the error (Real) for autocalibration requests. ° Unit tests are currently unmaintained. Do not try to run them. - Algorithms ° Add to the result the information "area error" (whether on not the computed result is in the same room as the real position). ° Handle the power and antenna gain difference between the calibration mobile (or pseudo-mobile, for autocalibration) and the mobile to position. ° MinMax: add option to set the step (and use a different step for X, Y and Z?). ° MinMax: reduce the research space as proposed by F. Lassabe (PhD report, Fig. 2.6 p. 38 and explanations pp. 38-39). - Autocalibration ° Generate reference points in 3D. ° To select the reference APs, we should use the distance along with the angle and coverage. ° Handle 2 APs, not only >2 APs. ° Find why some CalibrationRequest were not deleted when calling Stock::delete_calibration_request() (via ReferencePoint::delete_requests()). ° Option z-level-number: the Z coordinate represents the number of the building's level. If unactivated, the topology is used to determine a change of level. - Refactoring ° Split Stock::generate_reference_point() into several functions. ° Write a class for Request::type? CalibrationRequest::direction uses a dedicated class Direction, why not Request::type? That would simplify writing of the type to streams (no need to cast each time anymore). ° Wi-Fi devices' list . Merge Stock::mobiles & Stock::aps? . Factorise AccessPointsReaderCSV & MobilesReaderCSV? ° Members renaming . InputMedium: . - current_line_nb & get_current_line_nb() . - get_next_request() −> read_next_request() . Input: get_next_request() −> read_next_request() . Area: p_min et p_max −> coord_min et coord_max - User interface ° When reading the APs, add them to the mobiles' list (or another way to be able to have a single entry for an AP). ° Add option positioning.self-calibrate (or autocalibrate), short option -A, to activate automatically the options needed by the autocalibration. ° Improve --verbose (and/or debug level): print the options, etc. ° Case-insensitive string comparison (for algorithm names, etc.). ° Use a prefix for configuration files (search for config files set with relative path in owlps-positioner.cfg in the same directory). - Optimisation & code improvement ° Multithreading: . algorithms (parallelize computation of the different algorithms for the same request); . and/or requests (parallelize computation of several requests). It would be possible (overkill?) to have a group of worker threads and a job queue. ° ReferencePoint: the request list should be an unordered_set instead of a vector, to guarantee the unicity of the elements. ° Pre-allocate vectors' memory with reserve(). "C++ en action", p. 217. ° Copy of containers to streams (in some operator<<() for instance). "C++ en action", p. 275. ° Review all the classes to respect principles exposed in "Coder proprement", chapter 6, p. 103: do not implement accessors for each class attribute, etc. - Unit tests ° Update (rewrite?) tests. ° Unfinished tests: . InputDataReader . Input . Output . Positioning ° Test InterlinkNetworks::compute() ? ° Timestamp: there is a probability of 10^-6 that the value in nanoseconds and the rounded value in milliseconds are identical, in which case some tests can fail.