/* * This file is part of the rtap localisation project. */ #include "../libowlps-client/owlps-client.h" #include "owlps-drone.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SEPARATOR ',' #define EOL '$' #define TYPE "GPS" /* Options */ gps datagps; struct timespec timestamp ; struct { char dest_ip[INET_ADDRSTRLEN] ; // Destination IP of the packets uint_fast16_t dest_port ; char iface[IFNAMSIZ + 1] ; // Source network interface int_fast32_t delay ; // Time between two packet transmissions uint_fast16_t nb_pkt ; // Number of packets to send uint_fast16_t listening_port ; // Calibration data: owl_direction direction ; float x ; float y ; float z ; } options = { "", LOC_REQUEST_DEFAULT_PORT, "", -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } ; char *program_name = NULL ; // TRUE if the packet is a calibration request, FALSE if it is a simple // positioning request: owl_bool is_calibration_request = FALSE ; int socksendfd ; // Sending socket descriptor (send positioning packets) int sockreceivefd ; // Receiving socket descriptor (Receive position) int socksendlvfd ; // Sending labview socket descriptor (Send position to labview) struct sockaddr_in server ; // Server info uint8_t *packet = NULL ; // Packet to send uint_fast16_t packet_size ; // Packet size // Shared variables for OwlSIG (Geo Information System) double share_x, share_y, share_z; double share_lat, share_lon, share_alt=0; double share_lat_cons=-999.0, share_lon_cons=-999.00, share_alt_cons=-999.0; double share_x_cons=-999.0, share_y_cons=-999.00, share_z_cons=-999.0, share_t_cons=-999.0; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { program_name = argv[0] ; parse_command_line(argc, argv) ; // Thread communication TCP OwlSIG pthread_t control ; pthread_create(&control, NULL, thread_control, NULL) ; if(!strcmp(TYPE,"WIFI")) { pthread_t send ; pthread_t receive ; create_socket() ; pthread_create(&send, NULL, thread_send, NULL) ; if (options.listening_port > 0) pthread_create(&receive, NULL, receive_position, NULL) ; } else if(!strcmp(TYPE,"GPS")) { pthread_t gps ; pthread_create(&gps, NULL, thread_gps, NULL) ; } else { printf("TYPE is not correct, change value of TYPE\n"); return -1; } (void) close(socksendfd) ; (void) close(sockreceivefd) ; return 0 ; } void parse_command_line(int argc, char **argv) { parse_main_options(argc, argv) ; if(!strcmp(TYPE,"WIFI")) { check_destination_ip() ; parse_calibration_data(argc, argv) ; check_configuration() ; #ifdef DEBUG print_configuration() ; #endif // DEBUG } } void traficGPS(int gps) { int offset=0, c=1, i=0; char buffer[4096]; do { c=read(gps, buffer, 4096); printf("lecture intiale %d\n",c); } while (c>99); do { c=read(gps, buffer+offset, 1); offset=offset+c; } while (buffer[offset-c]!='$'); //buffer[offset]='\0'; //printf("phrase x%sx\n",buffer); // Debut de phrase GPS sans le dollar while (1) { i=0; offset=0; do { c=read(gps, buffer+offset, 1); offset=offset+c; } while (buffer[offset-c]!='$'); //buffer[offset]='\0'; //printf("phrase s x%sx\n",buffer); if (strncmp(buffer+i,"GPRMC",5)==0) { char data[15][20]; int offset_line, length, ct_string, y; int z; ct_string = offset_line = y = z = 0 ; length = strlen(buffer+i) ; memset(data,0,200); while(y<=length) { if((buffer)[y+i]==EOL && z==0) z=1; else if((buffer)[y+i]==EOL && z==1) { length=y-1; break; } y++; } printf("\nTaille finale : %d\n", length); y=0; while(y<=length) { if ((buffer)[y+i]==SEPARATOR) { if((y-offset_line)==0) memcpy(data[ct_string], "\0", 1); else { memcpy(data[ct_string], buffer+i+offset_line, y-offset_line); data[ct_string][y-offset_line]=0; } ct_string++; offset_line=y+1; } y++; } if(!(ct_string==0 || offset_line==0)) memcpy(data[ct_string], buffer+i+offset_line, length-offset_line); data[ct_string][length-offset_line]=0; datagps.time = atof(data[1]); datagps.state = data[2][0]; datagps.latitude = atof(strndup(data[3],2))+atof(strndup(data[3]+2,strlen(data[3])-2))/60.0 ; datagps.orilat = data[4][0]; datagps.longitude = atof(strndup(data[5],3))+atof(strndup(data[5]+3,strlen(data[5])-3))/60.0 ; datagps.orilon = data[6][0]; datagps.speed = atof(data[7])*1.852; datagps.cap = atof(data[8]); datagps.date = atoi(data[9]); datagps.decmag = atof(data[10]); if (datagps.orilat=='S') datagps.latitude=-datagps.latitude; if (datagps.orilon=='W') datagps.longitude=-datagps.longitude; share_lat=datagps.latitude; share_lon=datagps.longitude; printf("lat %s lon %s\n",data[3], data[5]); printf("Time : %f | State : %c | Latitude : %.10f%c | Longitude %.10f%c | Speed : %f km/h | Cap : %f° | Date : %d | DecMagn : %f maps %.10f %.10f\n",datagps.time, datagps.state, datagps.latitude, datagps.orilat, datagps.longitude, datagps.orilon, datagps.speed, datagps.cap, datagps.date, datagps.decmag, share_lat, share_lon); } } } void* thread_gps(void* NULL_value) { char buffer[1024]; int gps_fd = open("/dev/ttyPA0",O_RDONLY); read(gps_fd, buffer, 80); traficGPS(gps_fd); pthread_exit(NULL_value); } void* thread_send(void* NULL_value) { while(1) { make_packet() ; send_request() ; sleep(1) ; } pthread_exit(NULL_value); } // TCP Server OwlSIG void* thread_control(void* NULL_value) { int sockfd, newsockfd, portno=8080; socklen_t clilen; char request[2048], response[2048], *c; struct sockaddr_in serv_addr, cli_addr; int n,i=4; char *cmd, *sx, *sy, *sz, *st; sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) perror("ERROR opening socket TCP"); bzero((char *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)); serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; serv_addr.sin_port = htons(portno); if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) perror("ERROR on binding"); listen(sockfd,1); clilen = sizeof(cli_addr); memset(request,0,1500); cmd=malloc(256); strcpy(cmd,""); while ( strcmp(cmd,"end")!=0) { newsockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &clilen); if (newsockfd < 0) perror("ERROR on accept"); // while ( strcmp(request,"end")!=0) { n = read(newsockfd,request,1500); printf("\ntaille %d\n", n); fflush(NULL); if (n < 0) perror("ERROR reading from socket"); printf("%s", request); // Add command processing c=strtok(request,"="); printf("val 1 %s\n",c); c=strtok(NULL,"="); printf("val 2 %s\n",c); cmd=strtok(c,";"); printf("val 3 %s\n",cmd); sx=strtok(NULL,";"); sy=strtok(NULL,";"); sz=strtok(NULL,";"); st=strtok(NULL,";"); strcpy(response,"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nDate: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 19:51:52 GMT\nServer: Apache/ProXad [Aug 5 2010 16:17:11]\nAccess-Control-Allow-Origin: *\nX-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.3-dev\nConnection: close\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n"); if (strcmp(cmd, "ReadPosition")==0) sprintf(response,"%sPosition;OK;%d.0;5.0;6.1\n",response,i++); else if (strcmp(cmd, "ReadGeoPosition")==0) sprintf(response,"%sGeoPosition;OK;%f;%f;%f\n",response,share_lat,share_lon,share_alt); else if (strcmp(cmd, "SendGeoSetpoint")==0) { share_lat_cons=atof(sx); share_lon_cons=atof(sy); share_alt_cons=atof(sz); share_t_cons=atof(st); sprintf(response,"%sGeoSetpoint;OK;%.15f;%.15f;%f;%f\n",response,share_lat_cons,share_lon_cons,share_alt_cons,share_t_cons); } else if (strcmp(cmd, "SendSetpoint")==0) { share_x_cons=atof(sx); share_y_cons=atof(sy); share_z_cons=atof(sz); share_t_cons=atof(st); sprintf(response,"%sSetpoint;OK;%f;%f;%f;%f\n",response,share_x_cons,share_y_cons,share_z_cons,share_t_cons); } else strcat(response,"Not understand\n"); n = write(newsockfd,response,strlen(response)); if (n < 0) perror("ERROR writing to socket"); printf ("Write : %d %d\n", n, (int) strlen(response)); close(newsockfd); // } } close(sockfd); pthread_exit(NULL_value); } void parse_main_options(int argc, char **argv) { int opt ; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'd' : strncpy(options.dest_ip, optarg, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) ; break ; case 'h' : print_usage() ; exit(0) ; case 'i' : strncpy(options.iface, optarg, IFNAMSIZ + 1) ; break ; case 'l' : /* Facultative getopt options does not handle separated * values (like -l ) */ if (optarg == 0) { /* If we are at the end of the string, or the next optind * is an option, we have -l without a port number */ if (argv[optind] == NULL || argv[optind][0] == '-') // Take the default value: options.listening_port = MOBILE_DEFAULT_PORT ; else { // Take the optind value: options.listening_port = strtoul(argv[optind], NULL, 0) ; optind++ ; } } else // We got an option like -l, it's OK options.listening_port = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0) ; break ; case 'n' : options.nb_pkt = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0) ; break ; case 'p' : options.dest_port = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0) ; break ; case 't' : options.delay = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0) ; break ; case 'V' : print_version() ; exit(0) ; default : print_usage() ; exit(ERR_BAD_USAGE) ; } } } void check_destination_ip() { /* Check if we got a destination IP address */ if (options.dest_ip[0] == '\0') { fprintf(stderr, "Error! You must specify a destination IP address" " (-d).\n") ; print_usage() ; exit(ERR_BAD_USAGE) ; } } void parse_calibration_data(int argc, char **argv) { /* Parse remaining arguments (possible calibration data) */ if (argc - optind != 0) { if (argc - optind == 4) { is_calibration_request = TRUE ; options.direction = strtoul(argv[optind++], NULL, 0) ; options.x = strtod(argv[optind++], NULL) ; options.y = strtod(argv[optind++], NULL) ; options.z = strtod(argv[optind], NULL) ; } else // Bad number of arguments { print_usage() ; exit(ERR_BAD_USAGE) ; } } } void check_configuration() { // Delay not specified (or bad delay): if (options.delay < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Warning! delay: failing back to default value.\n") ; #endif // DEBUG if (is_calibration_request) options.delay = DEFAULT_DELAY_CALIB ; else options.delay = DEFAULT_DELAY_NORMAL ; } // Number of packet not specified (or bad number) if (options.nb_pkt < 1) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Warning! nb_pkt: failing back to default value.\n") ; #endif // DEBUG if (is_calibration_request) options.nb_pkt = DEFAULT_NBPKT_CALIB ; else options.nb_pkt = DEFAULT_NBPKT_NORMAL ; } // Calibration request but bad direction if (is_calibration_request) if (options.direction < OWL_DIRECTION_MIN || options.direction > OWL_DIRECTION_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "Error! « %"PRIu8" » is not a valid" " direction.\n", options.direction) ; exit(ERR_BAD_USAGE) ; } // Check port numbers if (options.dest_port < 1 || options.dest_port > 65535) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Warning! Bad dest_port:" " failing back to default value.\n") ; options.dest_port = LOC_REQUEST_DEFAULT_PORT ; #endif // DEBUG } if (options.listening_port > 65535) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Warning! listening_port too high: ignored.\n") ; options.listening_port = 0 ; #endif // DEBUG } // We want to send a calibration request AND to be located, which is // not allowed: if (is_calibration_request && options.listening_port > 0) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Warning! You cannot wait for a server answer when" " you calibrate. Option -l ignored…\n") ; #endif // DEBUG options.listening_port = 0 ; } } #ifdef DEBUG void print_configuration() { fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n" "\tDestination IP: %s\n" "\tDestination port: %"PRIuFAST16"\n" "\tInterface: %s\n" "\tDelay: %"PRIuFAST32"\n" "\tNumber of packets: %"PRIuFAST16"\n" "\tListening port: %"PRIuFAST16"\n" "\tDirection: %"PRIu8"\n" "\tX: %f\n" "\tY: %f\n" "\tZ: %f\n" , options.dest_ip, options.dest_port, options.iface, options.delay, options.nb_pkt, options.listening_port, options.direction, options.x, options.y, options.z ) ; } #endif // DEBUG void create_socket() { socksendfd = owlclient_create_trx_socket(options.dest_ip, options.dest_port, &server, options.iface) ; sockreceivefd = owl_create_udp_listening_socket(options.listening_port) ; } /* Creates the packet to send. */ void make_packet() { uint_fast16_t offset ; // Index used to create the packet owl_timestamp request_time ; char request_time_str[OWL_TIMESTAMP_STR_LEN] ; // Get the current time and copy it as a string before to switch it to // network endianess: owl_timestamp_now(&request_time) ; owl_timestamp_to_string(request_time_str, request_time) ; request_time = owl_hton_timestamp(request_time) ; if (is_calibration_request) // Calibration packet { printf("Preparing calibration request packet…\n") ; offset = 0 ; packet_size = sizeof(uint8_t) * 2 + sizeof(owl_timestamp) + sizeof(float) * 3 ; packet = malloc(packet_size) ; memset(&packet[offset], OWL_REQUEST_CALIBRATION, 1) ; // Packet type ++offset ; memcpy(&packet[offset], &request_time, sizeof(request_time)) ; offset += sizeof(request_time) ; packet[offset++] = options.direction ; // Direction #ifdef DEBUG printf("Direction = %d, X = %f, Y = %f, Z = %f\n", packet[offset - 1], options.x, options.y, options.z) ; #endif // DEBUG options.x = owl_htonf(options.x) ; options.y = owl_htonf(options.y) ; options.z = owl_htonf(options.z) ; memcpy(&packet[offset], &options.x, sizeof(float)) ; offset += sizeof(float) ; memcpy(&packet[offset], &options.y, sizeof(float)) ; offset += sizeof(float) ; memcpy(&packet[offset], &options.z, sizeof(float)) ; } else // Standard packet { printf("Preparing request packet…\n") ; packet_size = sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(owl_timestamp) ; packet = malloc(packet_size) ; memset(&packet[0], OWL_REQUEST_NORMAL, 1) ; // Packet type memcpy(&packet[1], &request_time, sizeof(request_time)) ; } printf("Packet timestamp: %s\n", request_time_str) ; } void send_request() { owlclient_send_request(socksendfd, &server, packet, packet_size, options.nb_pkt, options.delay) ; } void* receive_position(void* NULL_value) { // Position of the mobile as computed by the infrastructure: char timestampXYZ[128] ; char *data_cpy ; while(1) { recvfrom(sockreceivefd, ×tampXYZ, 128, 0, NULL, NULL) ; //send_labview(timestampXYZ) ; // Use for future data_cpy = strdup(timestampXYZ) ; string2data(data_cpy) ; usleep(100000); } pthread_exit(NULL_value); } void string2data(char* string_data) { /*Découpage de la chaine de caractère reçu du serveur de positionnement sous forme de addrMAC;TypeRequete;Timestamp1.Timestamp2;Algo;X;Y;Z en variables séparées */ char *mac = NULL ; char *ptr = NULL ; char *delims = ";" ; int type_req = 0 ; int count_algo= 0 ; int count_print = 0 ; int onetime = 0 ; while(onetime<1) { //Lecture Adresse Mac ptr = strtok(string_data, delims) ; if(ptr==NULL) { print_error("mac") ; break ; } mac = ptr ; //Lecture Type Request ptr = strtok(NULL, delims) ; if (ptr==NULL) { print_error("request") ; break ; } type_req = atoi(ptr) ; //Lecture TimeStamp1 ptr = strtok(NULL, ".") ; if (ptr==NULL) { print_error("timestamp") ; break ; } sscanf(ptr, "%ld", ×tamp.tv_sec) ; //Lecture TimeStamp2 ptr = strtok(NULL, ";") ; if (ptr==NULL) { print_error("timestamp") ; break ; } sscanf(ptr, "%ld", ×tamp.tv_nsec) ; onetime++; } result results[10]; while(1) { //Lecture de l'algorythme utilisé ptr = strtok(NULL, delims) ; if(ptr==NULL) break ; sscanf(ptr, "%s", results[count_algo].algo) ; //Lecture du point X ptr = strtok(NULL, delims) ; if(ptr==NULL) { if(count_algo==0) { print_error ("trame"); break ; } else { print_error ("algo"); count_algo-- ; break ; } } results[count_algo].x = atof(ptr) ; //Lecture du point Y ptr = strtok(NULL, delims) ; if(ptr==NULL) { if(count_algo==0) { print_error ("trame"); break ; } else { print_error ("algo"); count_algo--; break ; } } results[count_algo].y = atof(ptr) ; //Lecture du point Z ptr = strtok(NULL, delims) ; if(ptr==NULL) { if(count_algo==0) { print_error ("trame"); break ; } else { perror ("algo"); count_algo--; break ; } } results[count_algo].z = atof(ptr) ; count_algo++; } for(count_print=0;count_print