#ifndef _OWLPS_POSITIONING_CSVFILEREADER_HH_ #define _OWLPS_POSITIONING_CSVFILEREADER_HH_ class Point3D ; #include "textfilereader.hh" #include "timestamp.hh" #include #include /// Reads a CSV file, line by line, field by field class CSVFileReader: public TextFileReader { protected: const char separator ; std::string current_line ; boost::tokenizer > *current_token ; boost::tokenizer >::const_iterator token_iterator ; unsigned int current_field_nb ; void print_error_cast(void) const ; public: CSVFileReader(const std::string &filename, const char _separator = ';'): TextFileReader(filename), separator(_separator), current_token(NULL), current_field_nb(0) {} virtual ~CSVFileReader(void) ; /** @name Operations */ //@{ /// Loads the first next non-blank line bool next_line(void) ; /// Reads the next field of the current line template bool read_field(T &field) ; /// Reads the next field that should be a Timestamp bool read_timestamp(Timestamp &t) ; /// Reads the next 3 fields that should form a Point3D bool read_point3d(Point3D &p) ; //@} } ; /* *** Operations *** */ template inline bool CSVFileReader::read_field(T &field) { if (token_iterator == current_token->end()) return false ; ++current_field_nb ; try { field = boost::lexical_cast(*token_iterator) ; } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &e) { print_error_cast() ; return false ; } ++token_iterator ; return true ; } #endif // _OWLPS_POSITIONING_CSVFILEREADER_HH_