#include "csvfilereader.hh" #include "point3d.hh" #include using namespace std ; using namespace boost ; /* *** Constructors *** */ CSVFileReader::~CSVFileReader() { delete current_token ; } /* *** Operations *** */ /** * Note that this function is not called by the constructor, so you * must manually call it prior to use read_field(). * @return \em false in case of error (EOF, etc.), \em true else. */ bool CSVFileReader::next_line() { delete current_token ; current_token = NULL ; if (! read_nonblank_line(current_line)) return false ; // Split read string into fields (semicolon-separated) current_token = new tokenizer >( current_line, escaped_list_separator('\\', separator, '\"')) ; token_iterator = current_token->begin() ; current_field_nb = 0 ; return true ; } bool CSVFileReader::read_timestamp(Timestamp &t) { string timestamp_str ; uint_fast32_t time_s, time_ns ; if (! read_field(timestamp_str)) return false ; tokenizer > tok( timestamp_str, escaped_list_separator('\\', '.', '\"')) ; tokenizer >::const_iterator tok_iter = tok.begin() ; if (tok_iter == tok.end()) return false ; try { time_s = lexical_cast(*tok_iter) ; } catch (bad_lexical_cast &e) { print_error_cast() ; return false ; } ++tok_iter ; if (tok_iter == tok.end()) return false ; try { time_ns = lexical_cast(*tok_iter) ; } catch (bad_lexical_cast &e) { print_error_cast() ; return false ; } t = Timestamp(time_s, time_ns) ; return true ; } bool CSVFileReader::read_point3d(Point3D &p) { float coord[3] ; for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; ++i) { if (token_iterator == current_token->end()) return false ; ++current_field_nb ; try { coord[i] = lexical_cast(*token_iterator) ; } catch (bad_lexical_cast &e) { print_error_cast() ; return false ; } ++token_iterator ; } p.set_coordinates(coord) ; return true ; } void CSVFileReader::print_error_cast() const { cerr << "Bad value « " << *token_iterator << " » at line " << current_line_nb << ", field #" << current_field_nb << ", of input file « " << file_name << " »!" << endl ; }