Owl Positioning System Client OwlPS {{OWLPS_VERSION}} 11 January 2013 %%% % Man title & section: %!postproc(man): "^(\.TH.*) 1 " ".TH owlps-client 1 " % Fix .TH, add NAME section and TABLE OF CONTENTS title: %!postproc(man): "^(\.TH.*)$" "\1 OwlPS\ User\ Manual\n.SH NAME\nowlps-client - send positioning requests" % Man "links": %!preproc(man): "(owlps)\.t2t" "**\1**(7)" %!preproc(man): "(owlps-deployment)\.t2t" "**\1**(7)" %!preproc(man): "(owlps-[^ ]*)\.t2t" "**\1**(1)" %!preproc(man): "(owlps-[^ ]*\.h)" "**\1**(3)" %%% = Synopsis = **owlps-client** **-i** dest_ip [ **-p** //dest_port// ] [ **-I** //iface// ] [ **-t** //delay// ] [ **-n** //nb_packets// ] [ **-s** //packet_size// ] [ **-F** [ //delay// ] [ **-N** //nb_requests// ] [ **-D** ] ] [ **-l** [ //port// ] ] **owlps-client** **-i** dest_ip [ **-p** //dest_port// ] [ **-I** //iface// ] [ **-t** //delay// ] [ **-n** //nb_packets// ] [ **-s** //packet_size// ] [ **-F** [ //delay// ] [ **-N** //nb_requests// ] [ **-D** ] ] //direction x y z// = Description = FIXME = Positioning request = The positioning request sent by OwlPS Client is a simple buffer represented as the following: ``` Byte: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | +-----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | Offset: 0 | T | Pkt ID | Nb pkts | | +-----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | 8 | | +-----------+ | | 16 | Request time (seconds) | +-----------+ | | 24 | | +----------- +-----+-----+-----+ | 32 | | | +-----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | | 40 | | +-----------+ | | 48 | Request time (nanoseconds) | +-----------+ | | 56 | | +-----------+ +-----+-----+-----+ | 64 | | D | X | +-----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | 72 | X (cont.) | Y | Z | +-----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | 80 | Z (cont.) | | +-----------+-----+-----+ Padding + | ... | | +-----------+ +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ | 1448 | | +-----------+-----+-----+ ``` Where: - **T** is the request type; - **Pkt ID** is the current packet's number; - **Nb pkts** is the number of packets sent for this request; - **Request time (seconds)** and **Request time (nanoseconds)** are the two fields of an //owl_timestamp// structure – see owlps.h; - **D**, **X**, **Y** and **Z** are calibration information present only for calibration requests: - **D** is the direction (orientation) of the mobile, - **X**, **Y** and **Z** are the coordinates of the mobile; - **Padding** are optional extra bytes added at the end of the packet, for a maximal size of 1450 bytes. = Options = : **-h** Print help message. : **-V** Print version information. : **-i** //dest_ip// Destination IP address of the localisation request. : **-p** //dest_port// Destination port of the localisation request (default: 9900). : **-t** //delay// Time between each packet transmission in milliseconds (default: 25 ms for a normal request, 50 ms for a calibration request). : **-n** //nb_packets// Number of packet transmitted for the request (default: 10 for a normal request, 20 for a calibration request). : **-s** //packet_size// Data size of the transmitted packets. The minimal value is the size of the request's data fields; if //packet_size// is less than this size, it is ignored. Note that this size does not take into account the headers, so the whole 802.11 frame will be bigger. : **-I** //iface// Name of the network interface used to transmit the request (e.g. "eth2"). If this option is absent, the interface is selected automatically. You must be root to use this option. : **-F** [ //delay// ] "Flood mode": loop indefinitely, sending a new request every //delay// milliseconds (default: 1000 ms). : **-N** //nb_requests// With -F, stop after //nb_requests// requests transmitted instead of looping indefinitely. : **-D** Daemon mode. Useful only in flood mode. : **-l** [ //port// ] Wait for the computed position and display it. The optional argument //port// allows to specify the listening port (default: 9910). Available only if the program was compiled with the compilation-time option ENABLE_RECEIVE_POSITION. = See also = owlps.t2t