# This file is part of the Owl Positioning System (OwlPS) project. # It is subject to the copyright notice and license terms in the # COPYRIGHT.t2t file found in the top-level directory of this # distribution and at # http://code.lm7.fr/p/owlps/source/tree/master/COPYRIGHT.t2t # No part of the OwlPS Project, including this file, may be copied, # modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms # contained in the COPYRIGHT.t2t file; the COPYRIGHT.t2t file must be # distributed along with this file, either separately or by replacing # this notice by the COPYRIGHT.t2t file's contents. set(EXTRA_LIBS ${EXTRA_LIBS} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) add_executable(owlps-udp-to-http owlps-udp-to-http.c) target_link_libraries(owlps-udp-to-http libowlps.so libowlps-resultreader.so ${EXTRA_LIBS}) install( TARGETS owlps-udp-to-http DESTINATION bin) add_executable(owlps-udp-to-http.semistatic EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL owlps-udp-to-http.c) target_link_libraries(owlps-udp-to-http.semistatic libowlps.a libowlps-resultreader.a ${EXTRA_LIBS}) # Add the semistatic target to the global list of semistatic targets list(APPEND OWLPS_SEMISTATIC_TARGETS owlps-udp-to-http.semistatic) set(OWLPS_SEMISTATIC_TARGETS ${OWLPS_SEMISTATIC_TARGETS} PARENT_SCOPE) add_executable(owlps-udp-to-http.static EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL owlps-udp-to-http.c) set_target_properties(owlps-udp-to-http.static PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS -static) target_link_libraries(owlps-udp-to-http.static libowlps.a libowlps-resultreader.a ${EXTRA_LIBS}) # Add the static target to the global list of static targets list(APPEND OWLPS_STATIC_TARGETS owlps-udp-to-http.static) set(OWLPS_STATIC_TARGETS ${OWLPS_STATIC_TARGETS} PARENT_SCOPE) # Add compile flags for the above targets set_target_properties( owlps-udp-to-http owlps-udp-to-http.semistatic owlps-udp-to-http.static PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS ${EXE_FLAGS})