/* * This file is part of the Owl Positioning System (OwlPS) project. * It is subject to the copyright notice and license terms in the * COPYRIGHT.t2t file found in the top-level directory of this * distribution and at * http://code.lm7.fr/p/owlps/source/tree/master/COPYRIGHT.t2t * No part of the OwlPS Project, including this file, may be copied, * modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms * contained in the COPYRIGHT.t2t file; the COPYRIGHT.t2t file must be * distributed along with this file, either separately or by replacing * this notice by the COPYRITGHT.t2t file's contents. */ #ifndef _OWLPS_POSITIONING_CALIBRATIONREQUEST_HH_ #define _OWLPS_POSITIONING_CALIBRATIONREQUEST_HH_ class ReferencePoint ; #include "request.hh" #include "direction.hh" /// Represents a calibration Request sent by a mobile class CalibrationRequest: public Request { protected: /// Reference point that the mobile calibrates ReferencePoint *reference_point ; /// Direction in which the mobile was during the measurement Direction direction ; public: CalibrationRequest(uint_fast8_t _type) ; CalibrationRequest(const CalibrationRequest &source): Request(source), reference_point(source.reference_point), direction(source.direction) {} CalibrationRequest(const Request &source, ReferencePoint *_reference_point, const Direction &_direction, uint_fast8_t _type) ; ~CalibrationRequest(void) {} /** @name Read accessors */ //@{ const Direction& get_direction(void) const ; ReferencePoint* get_reference_point(void) const ; //@} /** @name Write accessors */ //@{ void set_direction(const Direction &_direction) ; void set_reference_point(const ReferencePoint *_rp) ; /// Adds the CalibrationRequest to the #reference_point list of requests void reference_point_backward_link(void) const ; /// Deletes all the requests of #reference_point void reference_point_delete_requests(void) const ; void clear(void) ; //@} /** @name Operators */ //@{ CalibrationRequest& operator=(const CalibrationRequest &source) ; bool operator==(const CalibrationRequest &source) const ; bool operator!=(const CalibrationRequest &source) const ; //@} /// Hashes a CalibrationRequest friend std::size_t hash_value(const CalibrationRequest &source) ; } ; /* *** Read accessors *** */ inline ReferencePoint* CalibrationRequest::get_reference_point(void) const { return reference_point ; } inline const Direction& CalibrationRequest::get_direction(void) const { return direction ; } /* *** Write accessors *** */ inline void CalibrationRequest::set_reference_point( const ReferencePoint *_rp) { reference_point = const_cast(_rp) ; } inline void CalibrationRequest:: set_direction(const Direction &_direction) { direction = _direction ; } /* *** Operators *** */ inline bool CalibrationRequest:: operator!=(const CalibrationRequest &source) const { return !(*this == source) ; } #endif // _OWLPS_POSITIONING_CALIBRATIONREQUEST_HH_