GuiNuMo: beginning of Viterbi & many other things

Partout où cela était possible :
* Utilisation du passage de paramètre aux fonctions par référence
  constante plutôt que par valeur. :
* Suppression de l'ancienne ébauche de Fred viterbiLike().
* Création de la fonction fastViterbiLike() (Viterbi-like optimisé).
* Fonctions getkWeightedInSs() et getkClosestInSs() : simplification du
  traitement des points ignorés (suppression du booléen et passage du
  point à ignorer en pointeur, de manière à permettre une valeur NULL).
  Création de surcharges pour un appel sans point à ignorer.
* Lecture de trois coordonnées (X;Y;Z) au lieu de deux (X;Y) depuis le
  fichier des points de référence (fonctions
  makeReferencePointListFromFile() et
* Lecture des fichiers au format « Matteo » (une ligne par agrégation).
  Le format « Fred » (une ligne par AP par agrégation) est toujours
  supporté (via #define FRED_CSV_FORMAT).
* Ajout d'affichages supplémentaires pour le déboguage. :
* Modifications des attributs pour l'algorithme Viterbi-like.

git-svn-id: 785a6c6c-259e-4ff1-8b91-dc31627914f0
This commit is contained in:
Matteo Cypriani 2008-04-30 09:36:55 +00:00
parent f5292a5dd6
commit ae11d3a2c3
14 changed files with 444 additions and 145 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
LDFLAGS= -lm -O2
LDFLAGS=-Wall -lm -O2
all: test

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#include "accesspoint.hh"
AccessPoint::AccessPoint(string addr, float fidx, Point coords, unsigned int f, float antg, float outp)
AccessPoint::AccessPoint(const string &addr, const float &fidx, const Point &coords, const unsigned int &f, const float &antg, const float &outp)
coordinates = coords;
ap_addr = addr;
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ AccessPoint AccessPoint::operator=(const AccessPoint &ap)
return *this;
ostream &operator<<(ostream & os, AccessPoint & ap)
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const AccessPoint &ap)
os << "MAC Address: " << ap.ap_addr << endl;
os << "Coordinates: " << ap.coordinates << endl;

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ protected:
float output_power;
AccessPoint(string addr = AP_DEFAULT_ADDR, float fidx = AP_DEFAULT_FRIIS_INDEX, Point coords = Point(), unsigned int f = AP_DEFAULT_FREQ, float antg = AP_DEFAULT_ANTENNA_GAIN, float outp = AP_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_POWER);
AccessPoint(const string &addr = AP_DEFAULT_ADDR, const float &fidx = AP_DEFAULT_FRIIS_INDEX, const Point &coords = Point(), const unsigned int &f = AP_DEFAULT_FREQ, const float &antg = AP_DEFAULT_ANTENNA_GAIN, const float &outp = AP_DEFAULT_OUTPUT_POWER);
AccessPoint(const AccessPoint &ap);
~AccessPoint() {};
string getApAddr()const { return ap_addr; };
@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ public:
float getAntennaGain()const { return antenna_gain; };
unsigned int getFrequency()const { return freq; };
float getOutputPower()const { return output_power; };
void setApAddr(string addr) { ap_addr = addr; };
void setFriisIndex(float fidx) { friis_index = fidx; };
void setCoordinates(Point apc) { coordinates = apc; };
void setCoordinates(float x, float y, float z) { Point apc(x, y, z); coordinates = apc; };
void setFrequency(unsigned int f) { freq = f; };
void setAntennaGain(float antg) { antenna_gain = antg; };
void setOutputPower(float outp) {output_power = outp; };
void setApAddr(const string &addr) { ap_addr = addr; };
void setFriisIndex(const float &fidx) { friis_index = fidx; };
void setCoordinates(const Point &apc) { coordinates = apc; };
void setCoordinates(const float &x, const float &y, const float &z) { Point apc(x, y, z); coordinates = apc; };
void setFrequency(const unsigned int &f) { freq = f; };
void setAntennaGain(const float &antg) { antenna_gain = antg; };
void setOutputPower(const float &outp) {output_power = outp; };
bool operator==(const AccessPoint &ap)const;
bool operator!=(const AccessPoint &ap)const;
AccessPoint operator=(const AccessPoint &ap);
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream & os, AccessPoint & ap);
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const AccessPoint &ap);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Fichier de configuration pour les AP.
# Chaque ligne est de la forme :
# MAC;X;Y;Z;Fréquence d'émission (Hz);Gain d'antenne (dBi);Puissance d'émission (dBm)
# Les lignes vides ou commençant par un # sont ignorées. Les commentaires doivent obligatoirement être en début de ligne.
# mini5 (Laseldi)
# mini6 (Laurent / Wassim Haimed)
# mini4 (Incubateur)
# mini3 (Dominique)
# mini1 (Adrien)

View File

@ -1,19 +1,31 @@
#include "clientinfo.hh"
ClientInfo::ClientInfo(string ip, int port, float antg)
ClientInfo::ClientInfo(const string &ip, const int &port, const float &antg)
client_ip = ip;
antenna_gain = antg;
client_listen_port = port;
for(int i=0 ; i < 5 ; i++)
viterbi_distances[i] = 0;
viterbi_V = new float*[N-1] ;
for (int n=0 ; n < N-1 ; n++)
viterbi_V[n] = new float[K] ;
for (int k=0 ; k < K ; k++)
viterbi_V[n][k] = 0 ;
int N = VITERBI_N ;
for(int n=0; n < N-1 ; n++)
delete[] viterbi_V[n] ;
delete viterbi_V ;

View File

@ -13,20 +13,27 @@ using std::string;
#define CLIENT_DEFAULT_ANTENNA_GAIN 2 // Good default value
#define VITERBI_N 5
#define VITERBI_K 8
class ClientInfo
string client_ip;
float antenna_gain;
int client_listen_port;
vector<Point> viterbi_vector1; // Previous vector
vector<Point> viterbi_vector2; // Last vector
float viterbi_distances[5];
vector<Point> viterbi_Ecurrent; // Last vector
vector<Point> viterbi_Eprevious; // Previous vector
// float viterbi_distances[5];
float **viterbi_V ;
ClientInfo(string ip = CLIENT_DEFAULT_IP, int port = CLIENT_DEFAULT_PORT, float antg = CLIENT_DEFAULT_ANTENNA_GAIN);
ClientInfo(const string &ip = CLIENT_DEFAULT_IP, const int &port = CLIENT_DEFAULT_PORT, const float &antg = CLIENT_DEFAULT_ANTENNA_GAIN);
float getAntennaGain()const { return antenna_gain; };
vector<Point>& getRef_viterbi_Ecurrent() { return viterbi_Ecurrent; } ;
vector<Point>& getRef_viterbi_Eprevious() { return viterbi_Eprevious; } ;
float** get_viterbi_V() { return viterbi_V; } ;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#include "measurement.hh"
void Measurement::addSsValue(int ssv)
void Measurement::addSsValue(const int &ssv)
float ss_mwatts = pow(10, (float) ssv / 10.0) + (ss_list.size() * pow(10, average_ss / 10.0));
@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ void Measurement::addSsValue(int ssv)
average_ss = 10 * log10(ss_mwatts / ss_list.size());
float Measurement::getSsSquareDistance(float ss)const
float Measurement::getSsSquareDistance(const float &ss)const
return ((ss - average_ss) * (ss - average_ss));
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, Measurement &m)
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Measurement &m)
unsigned int i;

View File

@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ protected:
vector<int> ss_list;
Measurement(string ma = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", float avg = 0, vector<int> ssl = vector<int>()) { mac_addr = ma; average_ss = avg, ss_list = ssl; };
Measurement(const string &ma = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", const float &avg = 0, const vector<int> &ssl = vector<int>()) { mac_addr = ma; average_ss = avg, ss_list = ssl; };
Measurement(const Measurement &m) { mac_addr = m.mac_addr; average_ss = m.average_ss; ss_list = m.ss_list; };
~Measurement() { ss_list.clear(); };
vector<int> getSsList()const { return ss_list; };
float getAverage()const { return average_ss; };
string getMacAddr()const { return mac_addr; };
void addSsValue(int ssv);
void setMacAddr(string ma) { mac_addr = ma; };
float getSsSquareDistance(float ss)const;
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, Measurement &m);
void addSsValue(const int &ssv);
void setMacAddr(const string &ma) { mac_addr = ma; };
float getSsSquareDistance(const float &ss)const;
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const Measurement &m);

View File

@ -14,17 +14,17 @@ protected:
float z;
Point(float _x = 0, float _y = 0, float _z = 0) { x = _x; y = _y; z = _z; } ;
Point(const float &_x = 0, const float &_y = 0, const float &_z = 0) { x = _x; y = _y; z = _z; } ;
Point(const Point &p) { x = p.x; y = p.y; z = p.z; } ;
~Point() {};
float getX()const { return x; };
float getY()const { return y; };
float getZ()const { return z; };
void setX(float my_x) { x = my_x; };
void setY(float my_y) { y = my_y; };
void setZ(float my_z) { z = my_z; };
void setX(const float &_x) { x = _x; };
void setY(const float &_y) { y = _y; };
void setZ(const float &_z) { z = _z; };
float squareDistance(const Point &p)const { return ((x-p.x)*(x-p.x))+((y-p.y)*(y-p.y))+((z-p.z)*(z-p.z)); };
float squareDistance(float mx, float my, float mz)const { return ((x-mx)*(x-mx))+((y-my)*(y-my))+((z-mz)*(z-mz)); };
float squareDistance(const float &mx, const float &my, const float &mz)const { return ((x-mx)*(x-mx))+((y-my)*(y-my))+((z-mz)*(z-mz)); };
float distance(const Point &p)const { return sqrt(((x-p.x)*(x-p.x))+((y-p.y)*(y-p.y))+((z-p.z)*(z-p.z))); };
Point operator=(const Point &p);
bool operator==(const Point &p)const;

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
#include "referencepoint.hh"
float ReferencePoint::getSsSquareDistance(vector<Measurement> m)const
float ReferencePoint::getSsSquareDistance(const vector<Measurement> &m)const
unsigned int i, j;
float ret = 0;
bool found;
for (i = 0 ; i < m.size() ; i++)
j = 0;
found = false;
@ -20,16 +20,17 @@ float ReferencePoint::getSsSquareDistance(vector<Measurement> m)const
return ret;
void ReferencePoint::addMeasurement(string mac_a, int value)
void ReferencePoint::addMeasurement(const string &mac_a, const int &value)
unsigned int i;
Measurement m;
bool inserted = false;
for (i = 0 ; i < measurement_list.size() ; i++)
if(measurement_list[i].getMacAddr() == mac_a)
@ -62,17 +63,17 @@ ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, ReferencePoint &rp)
if(rp.measurement_list.size() == 0)
os << "No measurements" << endl;
for (i = 0 ; i < rp.measurement_list.size() ; i++)
os << rp.measurement_list[i] << endl;
return os;
bool ReferencePoint::getPowerForAp(string ap_mac, float * p)const
bool ReferencePoint::getPowerForAp(const string &ap_mac, float *p)const
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0 ; i < measurement_list.size() ; i++)
if(measurement_list[i].getMacAddr() == ap_mac)
*p = measurement_list[i].getAverage();

View File

@ -15,18 +15,18 @@ protected:
vector<Measurement> measurement_list;
ReferencePoint(float x = 0, float y = 0, float z = 0) { coordinates.setX(x); coordinates.setY(y); coordinates.setZ(z); };
ReferencePoint(const float &x = 0, const float &y = 0, const float &z = 0) { coordinates.setX(x); coordinates.setY(y); coordinates.setZ(z); };
ReferencePoint(const ReferencePoint &rp) { coordinates = rp.coordinates; measurement_list = rp.measurement_list; };
ReferencePoint(Point c) { coordinates = c; };
ReferencePoint(const Point &c) { coordinates = c; };
~ReferencePoint() { measurement_list.clear(); };
float getSsSquareDistance(vector<Measurement> m)const;
float getSsSquareDistance(const vector<Measurement> &m)const;
Point getCoordinates()const { return coordinates; };
void addMeasurement(string mac_a, int value);
void setCoordinates(Point p) { coordinates = p; };
void addMeasurement(const string &mac_a, const int &value);
void setCoordinates(const Point &p) { coordinates = p; };
ReferencePoint operator=(const ReferencePoint &rp);
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, ReferencePoint &rp);
vector<Measurement> getMeasurementList()const { return measurement_list; };
bool getPowerForAp(string ap_mac, float * p)const;
bool getPowerForAp(const string &ap_mac, float *p)const;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
#include "server.hh"
/* Misc. very usefull functions */
#define TEST
#define DEBUG // Décommenter pour avoir de l'affichage en plus.
//#define DEBUG_2 // Décommenter pour avoir encore plus d'affichage.
/******* Misc. very usefull functions *******/
/* Explodes a string into substrings based on separator sep. Returns a string vector. */
inline vector<string> explode(string input, char sep)
inline vector<string> explode(const string &input, const char &sep)
vector<string> vs;
string tmp;
@ -27,8 +36,10 @@ inline vector<string> explode(string input, char sep)
return vs;
/* Function to convert a string to an integer */
inline int string2int(string nb)
inline int string2int(const string &nb)
istringstream iss(nb);
@ -37,8 +48,10 @@ inline int string2int(string nb)
return tmp;
/* Function to convert a string to an unsigned integer */
inline unsigned int string2uint(string nb)
inline unsigned int string2uint(const string &nb)
istringstream iss(nb);
@ -47,8 +60,10 @@ inline unsigned int string2uint(string nb)
return tmp;
/* Function to convert a string to a float */
inline float string2float(string nb)
inline float string2float(const string &nb)
istringstream iss(nb);
@ -57,6 +72,8 @@ inline float string2float(string nb)
return tmp;
/* Function extracts ints from string */
inline vector<int> extractValues(string buff)
@ -81,7 +98,9 @@ inline vector<int> extractValues(string buff)
return ret;
inline vector<string> extractReferencePointInfoFromBuffer(string buffer_in)
inline vector<string> extractReferencePointInfoFromBuffer(const string &buffer_in)
unsigned int i = 0;
string tmp_field;
@ -96,7 +115,7 @@ inline vector<string> extractReferencePointInfoFromBuffer(string buffer_in)
i++; //go after the ';'
i++; // go after the ';'
/* y */
while (buffer_in[i] != ';')
@ -108,6 +127,18 @@ inline vector<string> extractReferencePointInfoFromBuffer(string buffer_in)
#ifndef FRED_CSV_FORMAT // Dans le format Fred, on n'a pas de coordonnée Z.
/* z */
while (buffer_in[i] != ';')
/* Extract direction (not used now) */
while (buffer_in[i] != ';')
@ -118,6 +149,7 @@ inline vector<string> extractReferencePointInfoFromBuffer(string buffer_in)
/* Extract mac address */
while (buffer_in[i] != ';')
@ -136,15 +168,36 @@ inline vector<string> extractReferencePointInfoFromBuffer(string buffer_in)
while (i <= buffer_in.size())
if ((buffer_in[i] == ';' || i == buffer_in.size()) && !tmp_field.empty()) // Si on est sur un séparateur et que la valeur lue n'est pas vide,
#ifdef DEBUG_2
cout << "Ajout de la valeur lue : " << tmp_field << endl ;
ret.push_back(tmp_field) ; // on met la valeur lue dans les valeurs de retour.
tmp_field.clear() ;
else // Si on n'est pas sur un séparateur,
tmp_field.push_back(buffer_in[i]) ; // on ajoute le caractère courant à la suite de la valeur lue.
i++ ;
/* Return the vector with each data */
return ret;
/* ***************************************************************** */
//Server::Server(string ip_addr, int listen_port, int send_port) // FIXME : paramètre send_port inutilisé
Server::Server(string ip_addr, int listen_port)
Server::Server(const string &ip_addr, const int &listen_port)
/* Open socket */
sockListen = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
@ -158,8 +211,13 @@ Server::Server(string ip_addr, int listen_port)
/* Bind */
bind(sockListen, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr));
@ -169,18 +227,24 @@ Server::~Server()
void Server::send_to_client(int cl)
void Server::send_to_client(const int &cl)
/* Do not forget to implement later: usefull for a demo */
int Server::receive_data()
/* Do not forget to implement later: usefull for a demo */
return 0;
bool Server::pointExists(float x, float y, float z)const
bool Server::pointExists(const float &x, const float &y, const float &z)const
Point p(x, y, z);
unsigned int i;
@ -192,8 +256,10 @@ bool Server::pointExists(float x, float y, float z)const
return false;
/* Do not forget to call pointExists() before this one */
unsigned int Server::pointIndex(float x, float y, float z)const
unsigned int Server::pointIndex(const float &x, const float &y, const float &z)const
Point p(x, y, z);
unsigned int i;
@ -205,7 +271,9 @@ unsigned int Server::pointIndex(float x, float y, float z)const
return 0; // Should never happen
bool Server::pointExists(Point p)const
bool Server::pointExists(const Point &p)const
unsigned int i;
@ -216,7 +284,9 @@ bool Server::pointExists(Point p)const
return false;
bool Server::apExists(string ap_addr)const
bool Server::apExists(const string &ap_addr)const
unsigned int i;
@ -227,7 +297,9 @@ bool Server::apExists(string ap_addr)const
return false;
unsigned int Server::apIndex(string ap_addr)const
unsigned int Server::apIndex(const string &ap_addr)const
unsigned int i;
@ -238,8 +310,10 @@ unsigned int Server::apIndex(string ap_addr)const
return 0; // Should never happen
/* Do not forget to call pointExists() before this one */
unsigned int Server::pointIndex(Point p)const
unsigned int Server::pointIndex(const Point &p)const
unsigned int i;
@ -250,8 +324,23 @@ unsigned int Server::pointIndex(Point p)const
return 0; // Should never happen
/* return -1 if point does not exist, which should never happen */
vector<Point> Server::getkClosestInSs(vector<Measurement> m, unsigned int k, bool ignore_point, Point point_ignored)const
/* Selects the "k" closest points from the measurement "m", in the SS space.
* Returns an empty vector if no points are found, which should never happen.
vector<Point> Server::getkClosestInSs(const vector<Measurement> &m, const unsigned int &k)const
return getkClosestInSs(m, k, NULL) ;
/* Selects the "k" closest points from the measurement "m", in the SS space.
* If "point_ignored" is not NULL, the Point "*point_ignored" is ignored.
* Returns an empty vector if no points are found, which should never happen.
vector<Point> Server::getkClosestInSs(const vector<Measurement> &m, const unsigned int &k, const Point *point_ignored)const
unsigned int i, j, min_idx;
vector<float> distances_vector;
@ -260,7 +349,7 @@ vector<Point> Server::getkClosestInSs(vector<Measurement> m, unsigned int k, boo
float tmp_distance = 0, dist_max = 10000000, tmp_min;
for (i = 0 ; i < reference_point_list.size() ; i++)
if (!ignore_point||(reference_point_list[i].getCoordinates() != point_ignored))
if (point_ignored == NULL || (reference_point_list[i].getCoordinates() != *point_ignored))
tmp_distance = reference_point_list[i].getSsSquareDistance(m);
/* if not k points, add it */
@ -268,7 +357,7 @@ vector<Point> Server::getkClosestInSs(vector<Measurement> m, unsigned int k, boo
dist_max = (dist_max > tmp_distance)?tmp_distance:dist_max;
dist_max = (dist_max > tmp_distance) ? tmp_distance : dist_max;
@ -319,7 +408,18 @@ vector<Point> Server::getkClosestInSs(vector<Measurement> m, unsigned int k, boo
return points_vector;
Point Server::getkWeightedInSs(vector<Measurement> m, unsigned int k, bool ignore_point, Point point_ignored)const
Point Server::getkWeightedInSs(const vector<Measurement> &m, const unsigned int &k)const
return getkWeightedInSs(m, k, NULL) ;
/* If "point_ignored" is not NULL, the Point "*point_ignored" is ignored.
Point Server::getkWeightedInSs(const vector<Measurement> &m, const unsigned int &k, const Point *point_ignored)const
unsigned int i, j;
vector<float> distances_vector;
@ -329,7 +429,7 @@ Point Server::getkWeightedInSs(vector<Measurement> m, unsigned int k, bool ignor
float total = 0, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < reference_point_list.size() ; i++)
if (!ignore_point || (reference_point_list[i].getCoordinates() != point_ignored))
if (point_ignored == NULL || (reference_point_list[i].getCoordinates() != *point_ignored))
tmp_distance = reference_point_list[i].getSsSquareDistance(m);
/* if not k points, add it */
@ -376,7 +476,9 @@ Point Server::getkWeightedInSs(vector<Measurement> m, unsigned int k, bool ignor
return ret;
Point Server::kPointsAverage(vector<Point> vp)const
Point Server::kPointsAverage(const vector<Point> &vp)const
unsigned int i;
float x=0, y=0, z=0;
@ -395,7 +497,9 @@ Point Server::kPointsAverage(vector<Point> vp)const
return p;
Point Server::fbcm(vector<Measurement> m, int client_idx)const
Point Server::fbcm(const vector<Measurement> &m, const int &client_idx)const
Point ret(0, 0, 0);
vector<string> addr;
@ -449,7 +553,9 @@ Point Server::fbcm(vector<Measurement> m, int client_idx)const
return ret;
Point Server::interlink(vector<Measurement> m, int client_idx)const
Point Server::interlink(const vector<Measurement> &m, const int &client_idx)const
Point ret(0, 0, 0);
vector<string> addr;
@ -498,58 +604,116 @@ Point Server::interlink(vector<Measurement> m, int client_idx)const
return ret;
void Server::makeReferencePointListFromFile(string filename)
void Server::makeReferencePointListFromFile(const string &filename)
ifstream input_file;
char buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH];
string lecture_fichier;
ReferencePoint rp;
Point tmp_point;
float x, y;
float x, y, z ; // Coordonnées des points
unsigned int i, pt_idx;
string cpp_buffer, tmp_mes;
vector<int> measures_vector;
vector<string> infos; ;
if (
cerr << "Error opening input file « " << filename << " » !" << endl ;
return ;
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "Lecture du fichier « " << filename << " »..." ;
int nlines = 0 ;
int npoints = 0 ;
while (!input_file.eof())
#ifdef DEBUG
if (nlines % 100 == 0)
printf("\n%5d", nlines) ;
cout << '.' ;
nlines++ ;
input_file.getline(buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
if ((input_file.rdstate() & ifstream::eofbit) == 0)
/* Extract fields */
cpp_buffer = buffer;
if (cpp_buffer.size() == 0) // Ignorer une ligne vide
continue ;
infos = extractReferencePointInfoFromBuffer(cpp_buffer);
x = string2float(infos[0]);
y = string2float(infos[1]);
z = string2float(infos[2]) ;
/* Set point coordinates */
/* Use C++ string format */
if (!pointExists(tmp_point))
#ifdef DEBUG_2
npoints++ ;
cout << tmp_point << " : ajouté." << endl ;
cout << tmp_point << " : existe déjà." << endl ;
pt_idx = pointIndex(tmp_point);
measures_vector = extractValues(infos[4]);
vector<int> measures_vector = extractValues(infos[4]) ;
for (i = 0 ; i < measures_vector.size() ; i++)
reference_point_list[pt_idx].addMeasurement(infos[3], measures_vector[i]);
for (i = 4 ; i < infos.size() ; i++)
#ifdef DEBUG_2
cout << "Lecture de la valeur : " << infos[i] << "... " ;
if (i + 1 < infos.size())
reference_point_list[pt_idx].addMeasurement(infos[i], string2int(infos[i+1])) ;
#ifdef DEBUG_2
cout << "Mesure ajoutée : AP = " << infos[i] << " | SS = " << string2int(infos[i+1]) << endl ;
i++ ;
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << '\n' << nlines << " lignes lues, " << npoints << " points différents ajoutés.\n" << endl ;
infos.clear() ;
void Server::makeApListFromFile(string filename)
void Server::makeApListFromFile(const string &filename)
ifstream input_file;
char buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH];
@ -563,15 +727,25 @@ void Server::makeApListFromFile(string filename)
return ;
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "Lecture du fichier « " << filename << " »..." << endl ;
while (!input_file.eof())
input_file.getline(buffer, BUFFER_LENGTH);
if ((input_file.rdstate() & ifstream::eofbit) == 0)
/* Traitement basique des commentaires */
if (buffer[0] == '\0' // Ligne vide
|| buffer[0] == '#') // ou ligne commençant par #
continue ; // ignorer cette ligne.
ap_infos = explode(buffer, ';');
cout << buffer << endl;
for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < ap_infos.size() ; i++)
cout << ap_infos[i] << endl;
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << "AP : " << buffer ;
tmp_ap.setCoordinates(string2float(ap_infos[1]), string2float(ap_infos[2]), string2float(ap_infos[3]));
@ -579,12 +753,22 @@ void Server::makeApListFromFile(string filename)
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << " ajouté." << endl ;
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << endl ;
void Server::printReferencePointList()
unsigned int i;
@ -593,6 +777,8 @@ void Server::printReferencePointList()
cout << reference_point_list[i] << endl;
void Server::printAccessPointList()
unsigned int i;
@ -601,6 +787,8 @@ void Server::printAccessPointList()
cout << access_point_list[i] << endl;
void Server::computeFriisFromRefList()
unsigned int i, j;
@ -641,47 +829,118 @@ void Server::computeFriisFromRefList()
* Function computes new cumulative distances for each running viterbi instance,
* Computes new cumulative distances for each running viterbi instance,
* Returns the solution (type: Point) of the last ended viterbi.
* Distances are grouped by line corresponding to an instance.
* vk MUST be the same as last.size() and current.size() !
* "K" MUST be the same as last.size() and current.size() !
Point Server::viterbiLike(float ** dists, unsigned short vk, unsigned short vn, vector<Point> last, vector<Point> current)
void Server::fastViterbiLike(const unsigned short &N, const unsigned short &K, const unsigned int &id_client)
unsigned int i, j, k;
float min;
vector<float> last_dists;
Point position;
// Compute the ending viterbi: line 0
for (i = 0 ; i < current.size() ; i++)
#ifdef TEST
ClientInfo cl ;
float **V = cl.get_viterbi_V() ;
&E_current = cl.getRef_viterbi_Ecurrent(),
&E_previous = cl.getRef_viterbi_Eprevious() ;
float **V = client_list[id_client].get_viterbi_V() ;
&E_current = client_list[id_client].getRef_viterbi_Ecurrent(),
&E_previous = client_list[id_client].getRef_viterbi_Eprevious() ;
int i = 1 ; // Nombre d'ensembles d'historique qu'on a déjà passés
if (N < 2)
min = dists[0][0] + last[0].distance(current[i]);
for (j = 1 ; j < last.size() ; j++)
if ((dists[0][j] + last[j].distance(current[i])) < min)
min = dists[0][j] + last[j].distance(current[i]);
cerr << "fastViterbiLike() : N ne peut être inférieur à 2 !" << endl ;
return ;
// Find shortest dist
min = last_dists[0];
j = 0;
for (i = 1 ; i < last_dists.size() ; i++)
if (last_dists[i] < min)
min = last_dists[i];
j = i;
#ifdef TEST
int pt = 0 ;
#ifdef DEBUG
cout << reference_point_list.size() << " points à traiter." << endl ;
while (pt < reference_point_list.size())
while (true)
vector<Measurement> vm ;
Point *ref_coords = NULL ; // Coordonnées de référence (à ignorer).
// Shortest distance determines the true point
position = current[j];
#ifdef TEST
/* Get point measurements */
vm = reference_point_list[pt].getMeasurementList();
// *ref_coords = reference_point_list[i].getCoordinates();
// Now, compute the remaining of the distance matrix
E_previous = E_current ;
E_current = getkClosestInSs(vm, K, ref_coords) ; // Création de l'ensemble des K points les plus proches dans l'espace des puissances.
if (i > 1) // Si on n'est plus à la première itération
/* Recalcul des plus courtes distances */
for (int n = N-1-i ; n < N-2 ; n++) // Pour chaque historique existant (sauf le dernier),
for (int k = 0 ; k < K ; k++) // pour chaque point de l'historique,
{ // on met à jour le chemin minimum entre l'historique précédent et le point :
V[n][k] = V[n+1][0] + E_previous[0].distance(E_current[k]) ;
for (int l = 1 ; l < K ; l++)
float f = V[n+1][l] + E_previous[l].distance(E_current[k]) ;
if (f < V[n][k])
V[n][k] = f ;
/* Traitement du dernier historique */
for (int k = 0 ; k < K ; k++) // Pour chaque point,
{ // on récupère le chemin minimum entre l'historique précédent et le point :
V[N-2][k] = E_previous[0].distance(E_current[k]) ;
for (int l = 1 ; l < K ; l++)
float f = E_previous[l].distance(E_current[k]) ;
if (f < V[N-2][k])
V[N-2][k] = f ;
/* Choix du min à renvoyer */
if (N-1-i == 0)
float V0_min = V[0][0] ;
for (int k=1 ; k < K ; k++)
if (V[0][k] < V0_min)
V0_min = V[0][k] ;
cout << "V[0][" << k << "]=" << V[0][k] << " ; V0_min=" << V0_min << " -- " ;
cout << "V0_min = " << V0_min << endl ;
// cout << "(N=" << N << ") - 1 - (i=" << i << ") = " << N-1-i << endl ;
for (int n=0 ; n < N-1 ; n++)
for (int k=0 ; k < K ; k++)
cout << "[" << V[n][k] << "]" ;
cout << endl ;
cout << "\n--------------------------" << endl ;
if (i < N-1)
i++ ;
#ifdef TEST
pt++ ;
/* For experimentation purpose only */
@ -693,9 +952,7 @@ void Server::radar_exp()
unsigned int i;
vector<Measurement> vm;
// computeFriisFromRefList();
/* Open a log file */;
@ -720,17 +977,17 @@ void Server::radar_exp()
logfile << ref_coords << "\t";
/* From 2 to 5 K-weighted-SS */
solution = getkWeightedInSs(vm, 2, true, ref_coords);
solution = getkWeightedInSs(vm, 2, &ref_coords);
logfile << solution << "\t" << solution.distance(ref_coords) << "\t";
solution = getkWeightedInSs(vm, 3, true, ref_coords);
solution = getkWeightedInSs(vm, 3, &ref_coords);
logfile << solution << "\t" << solution.distance(ref_coords) << "\t";
solution = getkWeightedInSs(vm, 4, true, ref_coords);
solution = getkWeightedInSs(vm, 4, &ref_coords);
logfile << solution << "\t" << solution.distance(ref_coords) << "\t";
solution = getkWeightedInSs(vm, 5, true, ref_coords);
solution = getkWeightedInSs(vm, 5, &ref_coords);
logfile << solution << "\t" << solution.distance(ref_coords) << "\t";
/* Nearest in SS */
solutions = getkClosestInSs(vm, 1, true, ref_coords);
solutions = getkClosestInSs(vm, 1, &ref_coords);
logfile << solutions[0] << "\t" << solutions[0].distance(ref_coords) << "\t";
/* Interlink Networks */

View File

@ -22,9 +22,10 @@
using namespace std;
using std::string;
#define DEFAULT_LOGFILE "log/radar_exp.csv"
#define DEFAULT_REF_POINT_FILE "csv/complete-scan.csv"
#define DEFAULT_AP_FILE "cfg/accesspoints.cfg"
#define DEFAULT_LOGFILE "log/radar_exp.csv" // Fichier de sortie
#define DEFAULT_REF_POINT_FILE "csv/agreg/toutes.csv" // Fichier des points de référence
#define DEFAULT_AP_FILE "cfg/minipc.cfg" // Fichier de configuration des AP
#define DEFAULT_TRACKING_FILE "csv/agreg/divagation.csv" // Fichier de prérégrination
#define DEFAULT_IP ""
#define LIGHT_SPEED 300000000
@ -33,9 +34,10 @@ using std::string;
#define MINMAX_Y_START -1
#define MINMAX_X_STOP 15
#define MINMAX_Y_STOP 45
#define BUFFER_LENGTH 1024
#define DEFAULT_Z 3
#define BUFFER_LENGTH 5000
//#define DEFAULT_Z 3 // Décommenter pour utiliser des fichiers d'entrée avec des coordonnées dans un seul plan (X, Y).
//#define FRED_CSV_FORMAT // Décommenter pour utiliser les fichiers CSV au « format Fred » (plusieurs lignes par mesure, avec un AP par ligne).
class Server
@ -48,32 +50,33 @@ protected:
int sockSend;
//Server(string ip_addr = DEFAULT_IP, int listen_port = DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT, int send_port);
Server(string ip_addr = DEFAULT_IP, int listen_port = DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT);
Server(const string &ip_addr = DEFAULT_IP, const int &listen_port = DEFAULT_LISTEN_PORT);
void send_to_client(int cl);
void send_to_client(const int &cl);
int receive_data();
bool pointExists(float x, float y, float z)const;
unsigned int pointIndex(float x, float y, float z)const;
bool pointExists(Point p)const;
bool apExists(string ap_addr)const;
unsigned int apIndex(string ap_addr)const;
unsigned int pointIndex(Point p)const;
vector<Point> getkClosestInSs(vector<Measurement> m, unsigned int k, bool ignore_point, Point point_ignored)const;
Point getkWeightedInSs(vector<Measurement> m, unsigned int k, bool ignore_point, Point point_ignored)const;
Point kPointsAverage(vector<Point> vp)const;
Point fbcm(vector<Measurement> m, int client_idx)const;
Point interlink(vector<Measurement> m, int client_idx)const;
void makeReferencePointListFromFile(string filename);
void makeApListFromFile(string filename);
bool pointExists(const float &x, const float &y, const float &z)const;
unsigned int pointIndex(const float &x, const float &y, const float &z)const;
bool pointExists(const Point &p)const;
bool apExists(const string &ap_addr)const;
unsigned int apIndex(const string &ap_addr)const;
unsigned int pointIndex(const Point &p)const;
vector<Point> getkClosestInSs(const vector<Measurement> &m, const unsigned int &k)const ;
vector<Point> getkClosestInSs(const vector<Measurement> &m, const unsigned int &k, const Point *point_ignored)const ;
Point getkWeightedInSs(const vector<Measurement> &m, const unsigned int &k)const ;
Point getkWeightedInSs(const vector<Measurement> &m, const unsigned int &k, const Point *point_ignored)const ;
Point kPointsAverage(const vector<Point> &vp)const;
Point fbcm(const vector<Measurement> &m, const int &client_idx)const;
Point interlink(const vector<Measurement> &m, const int &client_idx)const;
void makeReferencePointListFromFile(const string &filename);
void makeApListFromFile(const string &filename);
void printReferencePointList();
void printAccessPointList();
void computeFriisFromRefList();
unsigned int getNbReferencePoints()const { return reference_point_list.size(); };
/* For experimentation purpose only ! */
void radar_exp();
/* For compilation purpose :-) */
// Point viterbiLike(float**, short unsigned int, short unsigned int, std::vector<Point, std::allocator<Point> >, std::vector<Point, std::allocator<Point> >) ;
void fastViterbiLike(const unsigned short &N, const unsigned short &K, const unsigned int &id_client) ;

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
using namespace std;
using std::string;
#define BUFFER_LENGTH 1024
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
@ -19,7 +18,8 @@ int main(int argc, char ** argv)
string read_file;
Server my_server;
// my_server.radar_exp();
my_server.fastViterbiLike(VITERBI_N, VITERBI_K, 0) ;
return 0;