[doc] Additional figures

Add three figures ad well as a text file that lists them.
This commit is contained in:
Matteo Cypriani 2013-10-03 11:54:01 -04:00
parent 191521751b
commit 3a14fa17e9
4 changed files with 130 additions and 0 deletions

doc/figures/FIGURES.t2t Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
List of figures provided with the OwlPS distribution
: **Aggregation sequence diagram**
This is actually a sequence diagram showing the whole process of
positioning, but it is focused on and best suited to illustrate the
aggregation process. An ASCII art version is provided in the OwlPS
Aggregator manual page (``owlps-aggregatord.t2t``).
- File name: ``owlps_sequence_diagram.plant``
- Format: [PlantUML http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/]
- PNG conversion command (assuming ``plantuml`` is an alias for
``java -jar /path/to/plantuml.jar``):
``` plantuml -tpng owlps_sequence_diagram.plant
PlantUML also allow to generate SVG or EPS (which in turn can be
converted to PDF with [Inkscape http://inkscape.org/] or
[epstopdf http://ctan.org/pkg/epstopdf], respectively).
: **OwlPS Positioner's input and output facilities**
- File name: ``positioner_input_output.dot``
- Format: [Graphviz http://www.graphviz.org/]
- PDF conversion command:
``` dot -Tpdf -o positioner_input_output.pdf positioner_input_output.dot
: **OwlPS Positioner's class diagram**
- File name: ``positioner_class_diagram.uxf``
- Format: [UMLet http://umlet.com/]
- PDF conversion command:
``` umlet -action=convert -format=pdf -filename=positioner_class_diagram.uxf
: **OwlPS Positioner's internal process**
- File name: ``positioner_process.dot``
- Format: [Graphviz http://www.graphviz.org/]
- PDF conversion command:
``` dot -Tpdf -o positioner_process.pdf positioner_process.dot

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
activate Client
Client -> Listener: positioning request
activate Listener
Listener ->> Aggregator: request + SS
' Aggregation timeout
activate Aggregator
Aggregator -> Aggregator: aggregation timer
activate Aggregator #DarkSalmon
Listener -->> Aggregator: request + SS
note right: added
Aggregator -> Aggregator: timeout
deactivate Aggregator
' Transmit the aggregated request
Aggregator -> Positioner: aggregated request
activate Positioner
' Keep timeout
Aggregator -> Aggregator: keep timer
activate Aggregator #DarkSalmon
Listener -->> Aggregator: request + SS
note right: ignored
deactivate Listener
Aggregator -> Aggregator: timeout
deactivate Aggregator
deactivate Aggregator
Positioner -> Client: computed position
deactivate Positioner
deactivate Client

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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
digraph positioner_io {
edge [dir=right]
/* Programs */
node [style=filled, shape=box, fillcolor="#9090fa"]
positioner [label="OwlPS Positioner"]
client [label="OwlPS Client"]
udp_http [label="OwlPS UDP-to-HTTP"]
socket_adapter [label="EvAAL SocketAdapter", fillcolor="#cccccc"]
node [shape=ellipse, fillcolor="#7ec0ea"]
/* Inputs */
"CSV file" -> positioner
"UDP socket" -> positioner
/* Outputs */
positioner -> "Standard output"
csv_file [label="CSV file"]
positioner -> csv_file
udp_socket [label="UDP socket"]
positioner -> udp_socket
udp_socket -> client
udp_socket -> udp_http
tcp_evaal [label="EvAAL TCP socket"]
positioner -> tcp_evaal
tcp_evaal -> socket_adapter

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
digraph positioning_process {
edge [dir=right]
node [style=filled]
node [fillcolor="#ffaaaa"]
edge [label=Request, color=red]
InputMedium -> Input
Input -> InputLogMedium
node [fillcolor="#ffaaff"]
Input -> Positioning
Positioning -> PositioningAlgorithm
node [fillcolor="#aaaaff"]
edge [label=Result, color=blue]
PositioningAlgorithm -> Positioning
Positioning -> Output
Output -> OutputStatistics
Output -> OutputMedium