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* This file is part of the Owl Positioning System (OwlPS) project.
* It is subject to the copyright notice and license terms in the
* COPYRIGHT.t2t file found in the top-level directory of this
* distribution and at
2016-11-03 05:10:34 +01:00
* https://code.lm7.fr/mcy/owlps/src/master/COPYRIGHT.t2t
* No part of the OwlPS Project, including this file, may be copied,
* modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms
* contained in the COPYRIGHT.t2t file; the COPYRIGHT.t2t file must be
* distributed along with this file, either separately or by replacing
* this notice by the COPYRIGHT.t2t file's contents.
2013-09-13 17:29:30 +02:00
* This is the main source file of OwlPS UDP-to-HTTP, a program that
* allows a client to retrieve results from OwlPS Positioner through
#include "owlps-udp-to-http.h"
#include <signal.h>
#include <semaphore.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <assert.h>
struct {
bool verbose ;
uint_fast16_t result_port ;
uint_fast16_t http_port ;
int nb_connections ;
} options = {
true, // verbose
DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, // http_port
DEFAULT_NB_CONNECTIONS // nb_connections
} ;
char *program_name = NULL ;
results_list *results = NULL ;
unsigned int nb_results = 0 ;
sem_t lock_results ;
int udp_sockfd = -1 ;
int tcp_sockfd = -1 ;
char *answer = NULL ; // Answer to send to the client
size_t answer_strlen = 0 ; // Total size of the answer string
size_t answer_buflen = 0 ; // Size of the answer allocated buffer
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
struct sigaction action ; // Signal handler structure
int ret = 0 ; // Program return value
pthread_t tcp_server_thread ;
owl_run = true ;
program_name = argv[0] ;
parse_command_line(argc, argv) ;
/* Set up signal handlers */
action.sa_flags = 0 ;
sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask) ;
action.sa_handler = owl_sigint_handler ;
sigaction(SIGINT, &action, NULL) ;
action.sa_handler = owl_sigterm_handler ;
sigaction(SIGTERM, &action, NULL) ;
/* Set up the semaphore */
sem_init(&lock_results, 0, 1) ;
/* Prepare the TCP socket */
ret = init_tcp_socket() ;
if (ret)
goto exit ;
/* Launch the TCP thread */
ret = pthread_create(&tcp_server_thread, NULL,
&tcp_server, NULL) ;
if (ret)
perror("Cannot create the TCP server thread") ;
goto exit ;
/* Main loop */
ret = receive_udp() ;
/* Stop the TCP thread */
// We must cancel the thread because it can be blocked on the
// recv() call:
if (pthread_cancel(tcp_server_thread))
perror("Cannot cancel the TCP server thread") ;
if (pthread_join(tcp_server_thread, NULL))
perror("Cannot join the TCP server thread") ;
/* Close sockets */
if (tcp_sockfd >= 0)
if (close(tcp_sockfd))
perror("Error closing the TCP socket") ;
if (udp_sockfd >= 0)
if (close(udp_sockfd))
perror("Error closing the UDP socket") ;
/* Last cleaning */
free(answer) ;
free_results_list() ;
sem_destroy(&lock_results) ;
if (options.verbose)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: exiting.\n", program_name) ;
return ret ;
void parse_command_line(const int argc, char *const *argv)
parse_options(argc, argv) ;
check_configuration() ;
if (options.verbose)
print_configuration() ;
void parse_options(const int argc, char *const *argv)
int opt ;
while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1)
switch (opt)
case 'h' :
print_usage() ;
exit(0) ;
case 'l' :
options.result_port = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10) ;
break ;
case 't' :
options.http_port = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10) ;
break ;
case 'q' :
options.verbose = false ;
break ;
case 'v' :
options.verbose = true ;
break ;
case 'V' :
print_version() ;
exit(0) ;
default :
print_usage() ;
void check_configuration()
if (options.result_port > 65535)
fprintf(stderr, "Warning! result_port too high: using default"
" value (%d).\n", OWL_DEFAULT_RESULT_PORT) ;
options.result_port = OWL_DEFAULT_RESULT_PORT ;
if (options.http_port > 65535)
fprintf(stderr, "Warning! http_port too high: using default"
" value (%d).\n", DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT) ;
options.http_port = DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT ;
void print_configuration()
fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n"
"\tVerbose: %s\n"
"\tResult port: %"PRIuFAST16"\n"
"\tHTTP port: %"PRIuFAST16"\n"
) ;
* Opens the UDP socket and reads from it the results sent by OwlPS
* Positioning.
* Returns a non-zero value in case of error.
int receive_udp()
owl_result *result ;
/* Open the UDP socket */
udp_sockfd = owl_create_udp_listening_socket(options.result_port) ;
if (udp_sockfd < 0)
/* UDP read loop */
while (owl_run)
result = owl_receive_position(udp_sockfd) ;
if (result == NULL)
owl_print_result(result) ;
store_result(result) ;
printf("--------------\n") ;
return 0 ;
* Adds a new owl_result to the results' list.
void store_result(owl_result *const new_result)
sem_wait(&lock_results) ;
// The results' list does not exist yet
if (! results)
results = malloc(sizeof(results_list)) ;
2012-09-09 17:28:12 +02:00
if (! results)
perror("Cannot allocate memory") ;
owl_run = false ;
2012-09-09 17:28:12 +02:00
goto end ;
++nb_results ;
results->result = new_result ;
results->next = NULL ;
// The results' list contains at least 1 element
// Search for an existing result with the same mobile's MAC
results_list *res = results ;
while (res != NULL)
char *mac = res->result->mobile_mac_addr ;
if (strncmp(mac, new_result->mobile_mac_addr,
break ;
res = res->next ;
if (res == NULL) // Not found, adding an element
res = malloc(sizeof(results_list)) ;
2012-09-09 17:28:12 +02:00
if (! res)
perror("Cannot allocate memory") ;
owl_run = false ;
2012-09-09 17:28:12 +02:00
goto end ;
++nb_results ;
res->next = results ;
results = res ;
else // Found, clearing it
owl_free_result(res->result) ;
res->result = new_result ;
2012-09-09 17:28:12 +02:00
sem_post(&lock_results) ;
* Opens the TCP socket.
* Returns a non-zero value in case of error.
int init_tcp_socket()
char http_port_str[6] ;
struct addrinfo
*gai_results = NULL,
*gai_res = NULL ;
int gai_ret ; // Return value of getaddrinfo()
/* Get the server information */
sprintf(http_port_str, "%"PRIuFAST16, options.http_port) ;
memset(&gai_hints, 0, sizeof(struct addrinfo)) ;
gai_hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC ; // IPv4 or IPv6
gai_hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM ;
gai_hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE ;
gai_ret = getaddrinfo(NULL, http_port_str, &gai_hints, &gai_results) ;
if (gai_ret)
fprintf(stderr, "TCP socket creation failed: getaddrinfo(): %s\n",
gai_strerror(gai_ret)) ;
/* Create the TCP socket:
* loop until both socket() and bind() succeed */
for (gai_res = gai_results ; gai_res != NULL ;
gai_res = gai_res->ai_next)
tcp_sockfd = socket(gai_res->ai_family, gai_res->ai_socktype,
gai_res->ai_protocol) ;
if (tcp_sockfd == -1)
continue ;
if (! bind(tcp_sockfd, gai_res->ai_addr, gai_res->ai_addrlen))
break ; // Success!
close(tcp_sockfd) ;
tcp_sockfd = -1 ;
if (gai_res == NULL)
"TCP socket creation failed: socket() or bind().\n") ;
return 0 ;
* Waits for requests from HTTP clients.
void* tcp_server(void *const NULL_value)
int newsockfd ;
ssize_t nbytes ; // recv/send return value
char client_message[CLIENT_MESSAGE_STRLEN] ;
char client_request[CLIENT_REQUEST_STRLEN] ;
int request_id ;
listen(tcp_sockfd, options.nb_connections) ;
// Prepare the answer, assuming there is only 1 full result (an error
// message will also fit)
answer = malloc(answer_buflen) ;
2012-09-09 17:28:12 +02:00
if (! answer_buflen)
perror("Cannot allocate memory") ;
owl_run = false ;
2012-09-09 17:28:12 +02:00
return NULL ;
strncpy(answer, ANSWER_HDR, ANSWER_HDR_STRLEN) ;
while (owl_run)
newsockfd = accept(tcp_sockfd, NULL, NULL) ;
if (newsockfd < 0)
perror("Error accepting a connection on the TCP socket") ;
continue ;
nbytes =
recv(newsockfd, client_message, CLIENT_MESSAGE_STRLEN, 0) ;
if (nbytes < 0)
perror("Error reading from the TCP socket") ;
close(newsockfd) ;
continue ;
client_message[nbytes] = '\0' ;
if (options.verbose)
2013-06-07 23:07:41 +02:00
printf("Got a message from the client:\n"
"\"%s\"\n", client_message) ;
request_id =
extract_request_from_message(client_request, client_message) ;
prepare_answer(request_id) ;
if (options.verbose)
2013-06-07 23:07:41 +02:00
printf("Answer to send:\n\"%s\"\n", answer) ;
/* Send the answer */
nbytes = send(newsockfd, answer, answer_strlen, 0) ;
if (nbytes < 0)
perror("Error sending answer to the TCP socket") ;
close(newsockfd) ;
pthread_exit(NULL_value) ;
* Reads a message and search for a request in it.
* Returns the identifier of a request if found, or 0 if not found.
* The text of the request is stored in 'client_request'.
extract_request_from_message(char client_request[CLIENT_REQUEST_STRLEN],
const char *const client_message)
char *token ;
token = strchr(client_message, '=') ;
if (! token)
return 0 ;
++token ;
token = strsep(&token, " ") ;
if (strncmp(SIMPLE_RESULTS_REQUEST, token,
strncpy(client_request, SIMPLE_RESULTS_REQUEST,
if (strncmp(RESULTS_REQUEST, token,
strlen(RESULTS_REQUEST)) == 0)
strncpy(client_request, RESULTS_REQUEST,
return RESULTS_ID ;
return 0 ; // No known request found
* Prepare the answer string to send to the TCP client.
void prepare_answer(const int request_id)
// Reset the answer's length:
answer_strlen = ANSWER_HDR_STRLEN ;
switch (request_id)
strncpy(answer + answer_strlen, RESULTS_ANSWER,
answer_strlen += strlen(RESULTS_ANSWER) ;
sem_wait(&lock_results) ;
if (! results)
char answer_end[] = ";NOK;NoResults" ;
strncpy(answer + answer_strlen, answer_end,
strlen(answer_end)) ;
answer_strlen += strlen(answer_end) ;
results_list *result ;
char answer_begin[10] ;
size_t answer_begin_len ;
snprintf(answer_begin, 10, ";OK;%u", nb_results) ;
answer_begin_len = strlen(answer_begin) ;
strncpy(answer + answer_strlen, answer_begin,
answer_begin_len) ;
answer_strlen += answer_begin_len ;
realloc_answer(answer_strlen +
nb_results * OWL_CSV_RESULT_STRLEN) ;
result = results ;
while (result != NULL)
char result_str[OWL_CSV_RESULT_STRLEN] ;
size_t result_len ;
owl_result_to_csv(result_str, result->result) ;
result_len = strlen(result_str) ;
answer[answer_strlen++] = ';' ;
assert(answer_strlen<answer_buflen) ;
strncpy(answer + answer_strlen, result_str,
result_len) ;
answer_strlen += result_len ;
result = result->next ;
sem_post(&lock_results) ;
break ;
strncpy(answer + answer_strlen, SIMPLE_RESULTS_ANSWER,
answer_strlen += strlen(SIMPLE_RESULTS_ANSWER) ;
sem_wait(&lock_results) ;
if (! results)
char answer_end[] = ";NOK;NoResults" ;
strncpy(answer + answer_strlen, answer_end,
strlen(answer_end)) ;
answer_strlen += strlen(answer_end) ;
results_list *result ;
char answer_begin[10] ;
size_t answer_begin_len ;
snprintf(answer_begin, 10, ";OK;%u", nb_results) ;
answer_begin_len = strlen(answer_begin) ;
strncpy(answer + answer_strlen, answer_begin,
answer_begin_len) ;
answer_strlen += answer_begin_len ;
realloc_answer(answer_strlen +
result = results ;
while (result != NULL)
size_t result_len ;
owl_result_to_csv_simple(result_str, result->result) ;
result_len = strlen(result_str) ;
answer[answer_strlen++] = ';' ;
strncpy(answer + answer_strlen, result_str,
result_len) ;
answer_strlen += result_len ;
result = result->next ;
sem_post(&lock_results) ;
break ;
char answer_end[] = "UnknownRequest;NOK" ;
strncpy(answer + ANSWER_HDR_STRLEN, answer_end,
strlen(answer_end)) ;
answer_strlen += strlen(answer_end) ;
answer[answer_strlen] = '\0' ;
* Realloc the answer buffer to the if needed: grows it if new_size is
* greater than the current size, shrink it if the current size is
* greater than the double of new_size.
void realloc_answer(const size_t new_size)
if (new_size > answer_buflen)
answer_buflen = new_size ;
else if (answer_buflen / 2 >= new_size)
answer_buflen /= 2 ;
return ;
answer = realloc(answer, answer_buflen) ;
2012-09-09 17:28:12 +02:00
if (! answer)
abort() ;
* Frees the memory allocated for the results' list.
void free_results_list()
results_list *tmp_res ;
2011-08-22 21:38:58 +02:00
while (results != NULL)
2011-08-22 21:38:58 +02:00
owl_free_result(results->result) ;
tmp_res = results ;
2011-08-22 21:38:58 +02:00
results = results->next ;
free(tmp_res) ;
nb_results = 0 ;
* Prints the usage message on the standard output.
* /!\ Don't forget to update the documentation when modifying something
* here!
void print_usage()
" [-v | -q]"
" [-l result_port]"
" [-t http_port]\n"
"\t-h\t\tPrint this help.\n"
"\t-V\t\tPrint version information.\n"
"\t-v\t\tTurn on verbose mode (default).\n"
"\t-q\t\tDo not print informational messages.\n"
"\t-l result_port\tPort on which the results are received"
" (default: %d).\n"
"\t-t http_port\tPort on which the HTTP server listens"
" (default: %d).\n"
) ;
void print_version()
printf("This is OwlPS UDP-to-HTTP, part of the Owl Positioning System"
" project.\n"
"Version: %s.\n",
"unknown version"
) ;