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#include "userinterface.hh"
#include "configuration.hh"
#include <owlps.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
using namespace std ;
namespace po = boost::program_options ;
/* *** Default value definitions *** */
/* *** Constructors *** */
* \em argc and \em argv are (normally) the ones passed to the main()
* function.
* @param argc Number of arguments passed to the program.
* @param argv Values of the arguments.
UserInterface::UserInterface(const int argc, char **argv)
assert(argv) ;
cli_argument_values = argv ;
cli_argument_count = argc ;
cli_options = new po::options_description("General options") ;
file_options = new po::options_description("Parameters") ;
catch (bad_alloc &e)
throw ;
fill_options() ;
parse_options() ;
delete cli_options ;
delete file_options ;
/* *** Operations *** */
void UserInterface::fill_options()
fill_cli_options() ;
fill_file_options() ;
// File options are also accepted on the command line
cli_options->add(*file_options) ;
void UserInterface::fill_cli_options()
("help,h", "Print help.")
("version,V", "Print version information.")
("config-file,f", po::value<string>()
"Alternative configuration file.")
; // End of options
void UserInterface::fill_file_options()
fill_data_input_options() ;
fill_input_options() ;
fill_log_options() ;
fill_positioning_options() ;
fill_output_options() ;
fill_misc_options() ;
void UserInterface::fill_data_input_options()
po::options_description options("Data input options") ;
("data-input.ap-medium", po::value< vector<string> >()
"Medium from which access points are read. You can specify this"
" option more than once. Allowed: CSV.")
("data-input.ap-csv-file", po::value<string>(),
"CSV file to use for access points input (when"
" data-input.ap-medium = CSV).")
("data-input.topology-medium,T", po::value< vector<string> >()
"Medium from which topology (buildings, areas and waypoints) is"
" read. You can specify this option more than once. Allowed: CSV.")
("data-input.areas-csv-file,A", po::value<string>(),
"CSV file to use for topology input (when"
" data-input.topology-medium = CSV).")
("data-input.waypoints-csv-file,W", po::value<string>(),
"CSV file to use for waypoints input (when"
" data-input.topology-medium = CSV).")
("data-input.reference-points-medium,R", po::value< vector<string> >()
"Medium from which reference points are read. You can specify this"
" option more than once. Allowed: CSV.")
("data-input.reference-points-csv-file", po::value<string>(),
"CSV file to use for reference points input (when"
" data-input.reference-points-medium = CSV).")
file_options->add(options) ;
void UserInterface::fill_input_options()
po::options_description options("Input options") ;
("input.medium,I", po::value<string>(),
"Medium from which requests are read. Allowed: CSV, UDP.")
("input.csv-file,C", po::value<string>(),
"CSV file to use for input (when input.medium = CSV).")
("input.udp-port,p", po::value<int>()
"Port on which the UDP socket listens (when input.medium = UDP).")
file_options->add(options) ;
void UserInterface::fill_log_options()
po::options_description options("Log options") ;
("log.medium,L", po::value< vector<string> >()->composing(),
"Medium to which the requests will be logged. You can specify"
" this option more than once. Allowed: none, CSV. The `none`"
" value completely disables logging.")
("log.csv-file", po::value<string>(),
"CSV file to use for logging (when log.medium = CSV).")
file_options->add(options) ;
void UserInterface::fill_positioning_options()
po::options_description options("Positioning options") ;
("positioning.algorithm,a", po::value< vector<string> >()->composing(),
"Algorithms used to compute positions. You can specify"
"this option more than once (but at least once). Allowed: Real, FBCM,"
" FRBHMBasic, InterlinkNetworks, RADAR.")
("positioning.minmax-start", po::value<string>(),
"Coordinates of the start point of the MinMax multilateration"
" method (string format: \"X;Y;Z\").")
("positioning.minmax-stop", po::value<string>(),
"Coordinates of the stop point of the MinMax multilateration"
" method (string format: \"X;Y;Z\").")
"With the RADAR algorithm, for a given positioning request, average"
" all the calibration requests associated with a reference point"
" before to compute the SS distance."
" The default is false, i.e the positioning request is compared"
" directly to each calibration request.")
file_options->add(options) ;
void UserInterface::fill_output_options()
po::options_description options("Output options") ;
("output.medium,O", po::value< vector<string> >()->composing(),
"Medium to which the results will be wrote. You can specify"
" this option more than once. Allowed: Terminal, CSV, UDP."
" If this option is absent, results will be printed on the terminal.")
("output.csv-file", po::value<string>(),
"CSV file to use for output (when output.medium = CSV).")
("output.udp-host", po::value<string>(),
"Host to which the UDP data is sent (when output.medium = UDP).")
("output.udp-port", po::value<int>()
"Port on which the UDP data is sent (when output.medium = UDP).")
file_options->add(options) ;
void UserInterface::fill_misc_options()
po::options_description options("Miscellaneous options") ;
("flush-output-files", po::value<bool>()->default_value(true),
"Flush output text files after each line.")
file_options->add(options) ;
void UserInterface::parse_options()
parse_command_line() ;
print_information_and_exit_if_requested() ;
parse_file() ;
po::notify(Configuration::getw_configuration()) ;
void UserInterface::parse_command_line() const
Configuration::getw_configuration()) ;
void UserInterface::print_information_and_exit_if_requested() const
bool exit_program = false ;
// Print version if requested
if (Configuration::is_configured("version"))
<< "This is OwlPS Positioning, part of the Open Wireless"
<< " Positioning System project.\nVersion: " <<
"unknown version"
<< ".\n" ;
exit_program = true ;
// Print usage if requested
if (Configuration::is_configured("help"))
cout << *cli_options ;
exit_program = true ;
if (exit_program)
exit(0) ;
void UserInterface::parse_file() const
string config_file_name = Configuration::string_value("config-file") ;
ifstream config_file(config_file_name.c_str()) ;
if (! config_file)
<< "Warning! Error opening input configuration file « "
<< config_file_name
<< " »! Using command line and default values…"
<< endl ;
return ;
po::store(po::parse_config_file(config_file, *file_options),
Configuration::getw_configuration()) ;