File naming convention: sS_jJ_dev_YYYY-MM-DD.extension With: - S: scenario number. - J: test number. - YYYY: year. - MM: month. - DD: day. - dev: client device: + and: Android smartphone; + fon: Fonera 2.0; + iph: iPhone; + eee: Asus EeePC 1001-PX. - extension: + agg: OwlPS Aggregator output file; + txt: experiment report; + log: OwlPS Positioner log file (recorded at the input); + pos: OwlPS Positioner results; + out: OwlPS Positioner standard output; + err: OwlPS Positioner standard error; + ods: results formatted in a spreadsheet. If "+coord" is present in a filename before the extention, it means the real coordinates were added. For the results, after "+coord", the name of the similarity algorithm can be added (mean, interval, interval2).