
195 lines
5.2 KiB

//! NRG DAOX chunk data structure and associated functions.
use std::fmt;
use std::fs::File;
use ::error::NrgError;
use super::readers::*;
pub struct NrgDaox {
pub size: u32,
pub size2: u32,
pub upc: String,
pub padding: u8,
pub toc_type: u16,
pub first_track: u8,
pub last_track: u8,
pub tracks: Vec<NrgDaoxTrack>,
impl NrgDaox {
pub fn new() -> NrgDaox {
NrgDaox {
size: 0,
size2: 0,
upc: String::new(),
padding: 0,
toc_type: 0,
first_track: 0,
last_track: 0,
tracks: Vec::new(),
impl fmt::Display for NrgDaox {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
try!(writeln!(f, "Chunk ID: DAOX\n\
Chunk description: DAO (Disc At Once) Information\n\
Chunk size: {} Bytes\n\
Chunk size 2: {}\n\
UPC: \"{}\"",
if self.padding != 0 {
try!(writeln!(f, "Padding: {} (Warning: should be 0!)",
try!(write!(f, "TOC type: 0x{:04X}\n\
First track in the session: {}\n\
Last track in the session: {}",
if self.tracks.is_empty() {
try!(write!(f, "\nNo DAOX tracks!"));
} else {
let mut i = 1;
for track in &self.tracks {
try!(write!(f, "\n\
Track {:02}:\n\
{}", i, track));
i += 1;
pub struct NrgDaoxTrack {
pub isrc: String,
pub sector_size: u16,
pub data_mode: u16,
pub unknown: u16,
pub index0: u64,
pub index1: u64,
pub track_end: u64,
impl NrgDaoxTrack {
pub fn new() -> NrgDaoxTrack {
NrgDaoxTrack {
isrc: String::new(),
sector_size: 0,
data_mode: 0,
unknown: 0,
index0: 0,
index1: 0,
track_end: 0,
impl fmt::Display for NrgDaoxTrack {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
try!(writeln!(f, "\tISRC: \"{}\"\n\
\tSector size in the image file: {} Bytes\n\
\tMode of the data in the image file: 0x{:04X}",
if self.unknown != 0x0001 {
try!(writeln!(f, "\tUnknown field: 0x{:04X} \
(Warning: should be 0x0001!)",
write!(f, "\tIndex0 (Pre-gap): {} Bytes\n\
\tIndex1 (Start of track): {} Bytes\n\
\tEnd of track + 1: {} Bytes",
/// Reads the NRG Disc-At-Once Information chunk (DAOX).
/// The DAOX is constituted of the following data:
/// - 4 B: Chunk size (in bytes)
/// - 4 B: Chunk size again, sometimes little endian
/// - 13 B: UPC (text) or null bytes
/// - 1 B: Unknown (padding?), always 0
/// - 2 B: TOC type
/// - 1 B: First track in the session
/// - 1 B: Last track in the session
/// Followed by one or more groups of 42-byte track blocks composed of:
/// - 12 B: ISRC (text) or null bytes
/// - 2 B: Sector size in the image file (bytes)
/// - 2 B: Mode of the data in the image file
/// - 2 B: Unknown (should always be 0x0001)
/// - 8 B: Index0 (Pre-gap) (bytes)
/// - 8 B: Index1 (Start of track) (bytes)
/// - 8 B: End of track + 1 (bytes)
pub fn read_nrg_daox(fd: &mut File) -> Result<NrgDaox, NrgError> {
let mut chunk = NrgDaox::new();
chunk.size = try!(read_u32(fd));
let mut bytes_read = 0;
chunk.size2 = try!(read_u32(fd));
bytes_read += 4; // 32 bits
chunk.upc = try!(read_sized_string(fd, 13));
bytes_read += 13;
chunk.padding = try!(read_u8(fd));
bytes_read += 1;
chunk.toc_type = try!(read_u16(fd));
bytes_read += 2;
chunk.first_track = try!(read_u8(fd));
chunk.last_track = try!(read_u8(fd));
bytes_read += 2;
// Read all the 42-byte track info
while bytes_read < chunk.size {
bytes_read += 42;
assert_eq!(bytes_read, chunk.size);
/// Reads a 42-byte track block from the NRG DAO Information.
/// See the documentation for read_nrg_daox() for the format of the track
/// blocks.
fn read_nrg_daox_track(fd: &mut File) -> Result<NrgDaoxTrack, NrgError> {
let mut track = NrgDaoxTrack::new();
track.isrc = try!(read_sized_string(fd, 12));
track.sector_size = try!(read_u16(fd));
track.data_mode = try!(read_u16(fd));
track.unknown = try!(read_u16(fd));
track.index0 = try!(read_u64(fd));
track.index1 = try!(read_u64(fd));
track.track_end = try!(read_u64(fd));