use std::fmt; #[derive(Debug)] pub struct NrgDaox { pub size: u32, pub size2: u32, pub upc: String, pub padding: u8, pub toc_type: u16, pub first_track: u8, pub last_track: u8, pub tracks: Vec, } impl NrgDaox { pub fn new() -> NrgDaox { NrgDaox { size: 0, size2: 0, upc: String::new(), padding: 0, toc_type: 0, first_track: 0, last_track: 0, tracks: Vec::new(), } } } impl fmt::Display for NrgDaox { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { try!(writeln!(f, "Chunk ID: DAOX\n\ Chunk description: DAO (Disc At Once) Information\n\ Chunk size: {} Bytes\n\ Chunk size 2: {}\n\ UPC: \"{}\"", self.size, self.size2, self.upc)); if self.padding != 0 { try!(writeln!(f, "Padding: {} (Warning: should be 0!)", self.padding)); } try!(write!(f, "TOC type: 0x{:04X}\n\ First track in the session: {}\n\ Last track in the session: {}", self.toc_type, self.first_track, self.last_track)); if self.tracks.is_empty() { try!(write!(f, "\nNo DAOX tracks!")); } else { let mut i = 1; for track in &self.tracks { try!(write!(f, "\n\ Track {:02}:\n\ {}", i, track)); i += 1; } } Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct NrgDaoxTrack { pub isrc: String, pub sector_size: u16, pub data_mode: u16, pub unknown: u16, pub index0: u64, pub index1: u64, pub track_end: u64, } impl NrgDaoxTrack { pub fn new() -> NrgDaoxTrack { NrgDaoxTrack { isrc: String::new(), sector_size: 0, data_mode: 0, unknown: 0, index0: 0, index1: 0, track_end: 0, } } } impl fmt::Display for NrgDaoxTrack { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { try!(writeln!(f, "\tISRC: \"{}\"\n\ \tSector size in the image file: {} Bytes\n\ \tMode of the data in the image file: 0x{:04X}", self.isrc, self.sector_size, self.data_mode)); if self.unknown != 0x0001 { try!(writeln!(f, "\tUnknown field: 0x{:04X} \ (Warning: should be 0x0001!)", self.unknown)); } write!(f, "\tIndex0 (Pre-gap): {} Bytes\n\ \tIndex1 (Start of track): {} Bytes\n\ \tEnd of track + 1: {} Bytes", self.index0, self.index1, self.track_end) } }