Line 115 of gcp.1 has incorrect quoting #6

opened 2020-09-19 23:39:58 +02:00 by robotux · 0 comments


Quoting lintian [1], the Debian package linter:

This manual page uses the ' groff sequence. Usually, the intent to generate an apostrophe, but that sequence actually renders as an acute accent.

For an apostrophe or a single closing quote, use plain '. For single opening quote, i.e. a straight downward line ' like the one used in shell commands, use '(aq'.


Best regards,


Hi, Quoting lintian [1], the Debian package linter: > This manual page uses the \' groff sequence. Usually, the intent to generate an apostrophe, but that sequence actually renders as an acute accent. > > For an apostrophe or a single closing quote, use plain '. For single opening quote, i.e. a straight downward line ' like the one used in shell commands, use '\(aq'. [1] Best regards, Thomas
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Reference: mcy/gcp#6
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