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List of figures provided with the OwlPS distribution
: **Aggregation sequence diagram**
This is actually a sequence diagram showing the whole process of
positioning, but it is focused on and best suited to illustrate the
aggregation process. An ASCII art version is provided in the OwlPS
Aggregator manual page (``owlps-aggregatord.t2t``).
- File name: ``owlps_sequence_diagram.plant``
- Format: [PlantUML http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/]
- PNG conversion command (assuming ``plantuml`` is an alias for
``java -jar /path/to/plantuml.jar``):
``` plantuml -tpng owlps_sequence_diagram.plant
PlantUML also allows one to generate SVG or EPS (which in turn can
be converted to PDF with [Inkscape http://inkscape.org/] or
[epstopdf http://ctan.org/pkg/epstopdf], respectively).
: **OwlPS Positioner's input and output facilities**
- File name: ``positioner_input_output.dot``
- Format: [Graphviz http://www.graphviz.org/]
- PDF conversion command:
``` dot -Tpdf -o positioner_input_output.pdf positioner_input_output.dot
: **OwlPS Positioner's class diagram**
- File name: ``positioner_class_diagram.uxf``
- Format: [UMLet http://umlet.com/]
- PDF conversion command:
``` umlet -action=convert -format=pdf -filename=positioner_class_diagram.uxf
: **OwlPS Positioner's simplified class diagram**
- File name: ``positioner_class_diagram_simple.plant``
- Format: [PlantUML http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/]
- PNG conversion command (see the explanations for the aggregation
sequence diagram above):
``` plantuml -tpng positioner_class_diagram_simple.plant
: **OwlPS Positioner's internal process**
- File name: ``positioner_process.dot``
- Format: [Graphviz http://www.graphviz.org/]
- PDF conversion command:
``` dot -Tpdf -o positioner_process.pdf positioner_process.dot